My mum is an avid member of the "bring your own bag" brigade. So much so that when she visits she often brings some sort of Hessian carrier to suggest I might do the same.
The first time she brought a little number with ladybirds and flowers on, so I pointed out that there's almost no way a gent like me is going to carry that down to the local supermarket (especially down my street!).
Last time she brought me a considerably manlier one, but as I went out to Tesco just now I looked at it and realised it's not the look of the bag, it's just the notion of taking my own.
I don't want to offend any grapes who do take their own bags, but there seems to be something inherently feminine about the idea. Perhaps it's the handbag-esquery of it, or perhaps it's the fact that walking with an empty bag that won't fold up into your pocket goes against man-logic.
Am I alone or are there other grapes (mainly male, but we do respect that females have opinions too
) out there who have this problem?
The first time she brought a little number with ladybirds and flowers on, so I pointed out that there's almost no way a gent like me is going to carry that down to the local supermarket (especially down my street!).
Last time she brought me a considerably manlier one, but as I went out to Tesco just now I looked at it and realised it's not the look of the bag, it's just the notion of taking my own.
I don't want to offend any grapes who do take their own bags, but there seems to be something inherently feminine about the idea. Perhaps it's the handbag-esquery of it, or perhaps it's the fact that walking with an empty bag that won't fold up into your pocket goes against man-logic.
Am I alone or are there other grapes (mainly male, but we do respect that females have opinions too
