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Taking bags to the supermarket...


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  • #46
    Originally posted by Madasafish View Post
    We store our bags in the car boot.
    No forgetting.
    I do something similar. Mine go in the pouches on the back of the front seats.


    • #47
      Most take their own round here, even the guys, Mr HF is cool with it
      I kinda like to see the guys with them - shows a good side! (like the bloke and puppy thing)
      How about rolling the bags up and carrying them like that when empty! bit more bloke'ie than empty and over your shoulder! I do see your point though. It's the empty bag bit.


      • #48
        We have a little collection of Sainsbugs fabric, fold-up bags and some old plastic carriers. They get stored in a big Sainsbugs cool bag, and MrPB will quite gladly carry them (though admittedly this is only from the car to the nearest trolley ). We even take one or two up to the village shop with us, and he will carry them (but he'd rather stuff them in his coat pocket if at all possible).

        MrPB is a very environmentally aware person, and he's not the coolest dude in the 'hood (I'm his wife, so I'm allowed to say that ), so I don't think he worries about what he looks like, its more the fact of having to carry an empty bag around, its okay once its got something in it though.
        Last edited by Pumpkin Becki; 27-04-2010, 11:19 AM.


        • #49
          Dude, you need to have a baby.

          I have no qualms about carrying bags, of any description.

          We have a "Our Cow Molly" bubblegum pink bag that I'm happy to carry. I was also at Centre Parcs at the weekend and looked after/carried LadyWayne's big purple flowery bag by the beach whilst she nipped off to change Beans nappy.

          We always take our own when we remember (sometimes we'll 'spontaneously shop' and not have them with us), and I always try and have at least one in the car for all eventualities (barring spontaneous shops).

          Lots of shops do the fold up and snap bags - I have an orange one and a burgundy one from a certain Jamie Oliver endorsed shop. They fold down to the size of a pocket book and are easy/discreet to carry.
          A simple dude trying to grow veg.

          BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

          Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

          What would Vedder do?


          • #50
            Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
            ....and looked after/carried LadyWayne's big purple flowery bag by the beach whilst she nipped off to change Beans nappy.
            Snowdrop and I were shopping in Oxford on Saturday, whilst walking to the car park, he was carrying my hand (shoulder) bag and my purse whilst searching for the car park ticket and money.

            So Boss, get with the programme


            • #51
              I find supermarket bags are great for placing over other people's heads to improve the view.

              I'll get my coat...


              • #52
                Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                Dude, you need to have a baby...
                I haven't got a womb! Where's the fetus going to gestate? In a box‽
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                • #53
                  Originally posted by OllieMartin View Post
                  I haven't got a womb! Where's the fetus going to gestate? In a box‽
                  I'm sure you have a womb - it doesn't have to be big, just somewhere you can fit a cot and a change table and some drawers probably.

                  Don't tell me you don't have drawers either!?
                  A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                  BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                  Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                  What would Vedder do?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by OllieMartin View Post
                    Where's the fetus going to gestate? In a box‽
                    Make sure you give it sandy soil, you don't want it forking


                    • #55
                      'Normal' supermarket bags are not generally made out of cornstarch. They do disintegrate, but plastic never fully disappears - it'll just sit around in tiny particles for a thousand years polluting the place. And as for biodegradeable bags - they need light and air to degrade, if they're tied up in a black plastic sack buried in a landfill they won't. And as we all know landfill is a rather major problem.

                      Supermarkets don't generally have ethics/opinions one way or another - they'll supply whatever makes them the most money. So by buying whatever it is (including plastic bags) we keep them stocking them.

                      Personally i think every shop should have to charge appropriately for their bags (ie, appropriate to the resources used and the pollution caused). And yes, i fully agree with councils charging more for bin collections if you produce more waste!


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