We had a bit of a drama last night, OH went outside to the garage, found the side gate to be open, couldn't shut it, and found there was a dead muntjac stuck in it. It was literally half in and half out. Stiff as a board and wedged.
This morning it had gone floppy again so managed to get it out.
Phoned local butcher who is not allowed to butcher it but knew a man who could.
We dropped the deer off this afternoon, picked it up at 7, fully butchered and jointed.
We now have almost 14lbs of meat in the freezer. I don't like to think it died in vain so we are going to eat it.
We have guests coming for lunch tomorrow. I had planned chicken moroccan tagine. Got the chicken out to marinate it and it's green and stinky. Although sell by date says 28th.
So we are now marinating the haunch of the venison instead! Hope the guests aren't too squeamish, best not tell them til after I've served the pudding
This morning it had gone floppy again so managed to get it out.
Phoned local butcher who is not allowed to butcher it but knew a man who could.
We dropped the deer off this afternoon, picked it up at 7, fully butchered and jointed.
We now have almost 14lbs of meat in the freezer. I don't like to think it died in vain so we are going to eat it.
We have guests coming for lunch tomorrow. I had planned chicken moroccan tagine. Got the chicken out to marinate it and it's green and stinky. Although sell by date says 28th.
So we are now marinating the haunch of the venison instead! Hope the guests aren't too squeamish, best not tell them til after I've served the pudding
