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Is there a Laptop Doctor in the house?


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  • Is there a Laptop Doctor in the house?

    Can anyone help?

    My OH & I watched Dr Who on iPlayer last night via thre lap top plugged into the TV with an 'S video' lead. We switched the s video output on using 'function' & 'CRT/LCD' button. All went well [enjoyed the episode too] but now we cannot seem to switch back to the laptop screen. Tried pressing the 'CRT/LCD' button & nothing happens. If I re-start it starts up but the screen won't switch on. Help,what can I do??

  • #2
    Probably a daft suggestion but most laptops need the function and CRT/LCD button to be held down - have you been holding both down rather than just one?


    • #3
      Have you tried all the F buttons - f4 I think used to switch modes [but then again, it's been years since I did this].


      • #4
        What Operating System is the lappy? If you plug it back in to the telly can you get a display that way? If so try right-clicking on the desktop and select "Properties", you may be able to select which display to use in there.

        But hopefully PrideRavyn's suggestion has fixed it.
        Last edited by HotStuff; 25-04-2010, 10:58 PM.
        There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


        • #5
          HotStuff's idea also a good one - I wouldn't know for definite but it could be possible that if you unplugged the laptop from the tv without resetting it back to use the laptop screen, maybe it's 'stuck' because of that - try plugging it back in to the tv, if it works, then do as HotStuff says or try the function & CRT/LCD button then and hopefully it'll be fixed.


          • #6
            I use HDMI to stream internet content to my TV and a PS3 to watch the BBC iPlayer, when I plunged the HDMI cable in I had the option to just have the picture on the TV or on the TV and lappy, I chose the latter, that said I would plug the lappy back in to the TV and seen if you can get into the the control panel/display, or right click the desktop.

            I would also post you question here too Microsoft Support - Tech Support Forum

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            • #7
              Hi Peeps

              Thank you for all your help

              Finally sorted it by rolling back to the time befor we pressed the button originally............. It seems like the CRT/LCD button is faulty & will only switch on. Anyway its a relief as I just don't have the time to be without the lappy.


              • #8
                Oh, Minskey - how do you roll back time on a lappy? That may solve my problem with my lappy where the toolbar mysteriously relocated itself to the right hand side of the screen instead of along the bottom - so now it interferes with the scroll bar!! Grrr.
                So if I could roll it back to yesterday afternoon I'll be sorted!
                Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
                  Oh, Minskey - how do you roll back time on a lappy? That may solve my problem with my lappy where the toolbar mysteriously relocated itself to the right hand side of the screen instead of along the bottom - so now it interferes with the scroll bar!! Grrr.
                  So if I could roll it back to yesterday afternoon I'll be sorted!
                  If you put the mouse cursor over the toolbar then left click and drag to the bottom of the screen/desktop!


                  • #10
                    Thanks TEB - I was clicking and dragging at it last night till I gave up. Will try again this evening to see if it works this time - if not, I'll be in touch!!
                    Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
                      Thanks TEB - I was clicking and dragging at it last night till I gave up. Will try again this evening to see if it works this time - if not, I'll be in touch!!
                      Jeanied, once you've dragged it back to the bottom, right click on it and select Properties, then tick the box that says "Lock the taskbar", that way it won't get moved accidentally again. I'm assuming your using Windows XP.
                      There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


                      • #12
                        Oh, dearie me, Hotstuff, a little knowledge with me is really a dangerous thing.

                        I managed to mess up a whole load of settings in my vain attempts to relocate the toolbar - at this stage would it be appropriate to confess a slight surfeit of sloe gin impairing my mental capacity? Hmm - maybe not! (I was only sampling it, honest!)

                        So now my desktop has strange icons everywhere and nothing is where I left it - can't I just put it back to yesterday at 4pm? How do I do it without messing it up any more?
                        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
                          So now my desktop has strange icons everywhere and nothing is where I left it - can't I just put it back to yesterday at 4pm? How do I do it without messing it up any more?
                          Strange icons, or just the same ones in a different order?

                          I'm not sure System Restore would undo what you've done, TEB, if you're around do you know?

                          We could try doing a System Restore. If you click on Start you sholud see something on there called "Help & Support" and if you click on that do you see something that says "Restore System" or something like that? Sorry for being vague, but it's one of those bits of Windows that is manufacturer dependant.
                          There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


                          • #14
                            Thanks for this Hotstuff - I just knew you'd come through with an answer! I'll try and system restore to Sunday afternoon when I'm slightly more alert tomorrow! Otherwise I'll end up in even more of a pickle! I did manage to get my toolbar down to the bottom, but it really annoys me by popping up and down and it didn't used to do that.
                            This laptop is definitely not my favourite one - which is daft 'cos it cost double of the cheap and cheerful I usually use!
                            Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
                              I did manage to get my toolbar down to the bottom, but it really annoys me by popping up and down and it didn't used to do that.
                              If you untick the "Auto-hide the taskbar" box it will stop popping up and down, it will stay up. It's in the taskbar Properties, same place as the "Lock the tasknar".
                              Last edited by HotStuff; 27-04-2010, 09:14 AM.
                              There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


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