can any one help me my tomato plants have all died, i started to grow them in a grow bag watered them, they were growing fine then they died,im new at growing things, i have peppers , chilies that are all going well, as i said im new to growing things so any help would be great, oh im growing in a greenhouse. thanks. dave
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Hi Baggie welcome. Grow bags are difficult with watering. Did you put some drainage holes in the bottom ? Are the chillies and peppers in them or are they in pots still.S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Hi and welcome to the Vine Dave.
If your plants were in a greenhouse, how low did the temps drop to?
How high were your plants when you transplanted them and when did you sow them?
As has been mentioned, did you put drain holes in the peat bags?
If you had taken a photo of them in situ dying, then maybe some of us would have a better idea. But at the moment we are all 'clutching at straws'.
But if you get some new seeds in ASAP. I am sure they will catch up.
MR TKMr TK's blog:
2nd Jan early tomato sowing.
Video build your own Poly-tunnel
Sorry to hear of your disaster. I suspect they were flooded and chilled. I never use growbags. Spawn of the devil! However, I'll happily dismember one and use the compost in very big pots and grow the toms in there. At this stage, I'd be tempted to buy a few plants from a garden centre - and pot them and bring them indoors at night when it's forecast to be cold at night. Put them in the greenhouse permanently middle to end of May (depending on where you live - earlier for the south, later for the north).
Try again and good luck with it.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
thanks you all, yes i watered them too much, thanks for the tip about putting holes in the grow bag, and we had a bad frost 2 days running,so im getting some more on sat. again thanks, im new at all this, but if you dont try you dont get anywhere. dave
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