Having successfully started up our tutor business, selling, so far, in excess of �30 worth of caterpillars to staff and students (with permission slips I hasten to add), to raise the money to buy free range eggs to sell to staff, Fulston Farmers starts the 3rd strand of the business plan tomorrow, selling plants to staff and students.
I have been sorting through my excess plants, trying to convince myself I do not really need 12 courgettes, 10 butternut squash, and the 8 chilli plants I have spare. I already have 67 chilli plants that I really need to keep. I have 26 varieties, and need at least 2 of each in case ones die, and the a few extra of our favourites.
I'm not finding it so bad to get rid of more of the plants that I took as cuttings last year and got stuck with, or the herb bits I did especially. Most of the seeds donated by kind grapes have been planted by my 'hardcore' farmers, our light weight ones have even failed to bring in any empty jars or yoghurt pots
These will provide plants later on, hopefully looking a bit heathier than some bent and twisted specimens that did not survive a bike rid to school this morning with one of the tutor group.
I have been sorting through my excess plants, trying to convince myself I do not really need 12 courgettes, 10 butternut squash, and the 8 chilli plants I have spare. I already have 67 chilli plants that I really need to keep. I have 26 varieties, and need at least 2 of each in case ones die, and the a few extra of our favourites.
I'm not finding it so bad to get rid of more of the plants that I took as cuttings last year and got stuck with, or the herb bits I did especially. Most of the seeds donated by kind grapes have been planted by my 'hardcore' farmers, our light weight ones have even failed to bring in any empty jars or yoghurt pots
