Originally posted by OllieMartin
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Given a safe seat (ie, a cabbage with the locally right colour rosette would be elected) one can indulge the desire to write rude messages on the ballot paper (NEVER refrain from voting, but if no-one is worth voting for, at least tell them so, refusing to even go that far is apathy, and apathy may be the worst thing for all of us).
I DO live in a safe constituency, and therefore have the luxury of choosing as I wish everyone did, but if I lived in a marginal seat, I would probably vote tactically THIS TIME.
We seem to have at least 7 candidates. I would love to see the Independant (who tells us he isn't a politician) at least save his deposit, the Greens, UKIP, 'libertarian' (I get the impression that several Independants decided to get together and make a party...) and the 'big 3' make up the total (that I have heard about).