Originally posted by ugly gourd
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I get problems with trapped nerves, twice now and have quickly learned that the sooner I can get to see the Physio the quicker it gets sorted.
The last time it went I saw the physio, a rather slightly built lady, and I stupidly assumed I would be OK in her capable hands. During one session she twisted me violently sendind my hips one way, my shoulders in the opposite way and the loudest fart resoundng around the treatment room

Undertered she simply said " just relax Mr Trotman" to which my red faced retort was
"If I did I think I'd Sh*t myself" at which point we both collapsed in fits of laughter

You don't really need to do anything strenuous to tweek something, something as daft as sneezing could do it.
One problem we gardeners suffer with is stupidity, you wouldn't dream of going running without warming up frst so why do we think it's OK to try and dig 300 sq yds of allotment without doing the same
