I'm after a bit of advice about my little gelding Bobby he has had sore legs for a few weeks. One swollen but not sore and the other sore with no obvious mark or injury. We have had the vet out a few times and on Tuesday I had to take him to the hospital for x-rays etc but I had to come home without him. He was a total pig, he wouldnt behave and although they got some work done they didnt get finished as he went mental and ripped the steel rings he was tied too out of the concrete wall. As well as being super embarressed I really didnt think he was that strong. They even tried to contain him in the cattle press but he escaped and bent it. To top it all off what they have done suggests a bone problem so they want to transfered him to the Royal Dick Vet Hospital in Edinburgh to have a radiation drip put in so they can do a full body scan and then he has to stay in isolation for 3-7 days because he'll be radio-active. Who know what thats going to cost - rough guide is �650 - �800 but it could easily be more. I just feel he has been lame for a while and the only alternative is complete box rest for 3 months, I would feel terribly guilty about leaving him standing in alone all summer 
So what I'm really asking is has anyone had Nuclear Scintigraphy done on their horse and is it stressful for the animal? My vet has said it is a straight forward proceedure and as he is not very co-operative they will put a cathiter in his neck so all injections can be put in via a tube attatched to his head collar and he will only have the one jag to put the cathiter in. Sorry to go on, I'm just worried about him. Any advice/experience welcome

So what I'm really asking is has anyone had Nuclear Scintigraphy done on their horse and is it stressful for the animal? My vet has said it is a straight forward proceedure and as he is not very co-operative they will put a cathiter in his neck so all injections can be put in via a tube attatched to his head collar and he will only have the one jag to put the cathiter in. Sorry to go on, I'm just worried about him. Any advice/experience welcome