have dug out my camping list,
phone&car charger
any perscription medicin
travel clock or watch
mallet for poping pegs in
check the tent and bits before comming,if they been stored for a while
sleeping bag,pillows
tea towels
baby wipes
water container
tin opener & bottle,for those who drink
kettle,pan,wock,wooden spoons ??
trays are very usefull,
roll of strong bin bags,
fome fire extinguishers
swim wear and towel,for trips to the loo,in case of falling in pond
it should read some fire extiguishers lol
phone&car charger
any perscription medicin
travel clock or watch
mallet for poping pegs in
check the tent and bits before comming,if they been stored for a while
sleeping bag,pillows
tea towels
baby wipes
water container
tin opener & bottle,for those who drink
kettle,pan,wock,wooden spoons ??
trays are very usefull,
roll of strong bin bags,
fome fire extinguishers
swim wear and towel,for trips to the loo,in case of falling in pond
