Quite surprised actually.
I mentioned to the primary school where my son goes last year that I would be interested in doing an afterschool club for french. I had completely forgotten about it.
This morning the head asks me in for a chat -) heart in mouth in case my son has done something naughty, but of course he hadn't), and says would I be interested in teaching yr5 and 6 french for one afternoon a week from September. 3 groups of 40 mins each. She says she likes the way I go in once a week and help in my son's class.
She has given me all the info and I am going to think about it - wasn't really looking for a proper job but the youngest will be 3 and off at pre-school most mornings next year so I will be wondering what to do with myself and don't want to commit to a full-time position somewhere with having little ones about.
Might be good for my mummy brain! But I have never taught anyone younger than yr7 before - is all a bit scary but exciting too
I mentioned to the primary school where my son goes last year that I would be interested in doing an afterschool club for french. I had completely forgotten about it.
This morning the head asks me in for a chat -) heart in mouth in case my son has done something naughty, but of course he hadn't), and says would I be interested in teaching yr5 and 6 french for one afternoon a week from September. 3 groups of 40 mins each. She says she likes the way I go in once a week and help in my son's class.
She has given me all the info and I am going to think about it - wasn't really looking for a proper job but the youngest will be 3 and off at pre-school most mornings next year so I will be wondering what to do with myself and don't want to commit to a full-time position somewhere with having little ones about.
Might be good for my mummy brain! But I have never taught anyone younger than yr7 before - is all a bit scary but exciting too
