My lovely step daughter announced a couple of weeks ago that she's expecting and baby due end November, so we're going to be grandparents
Well, we've just about got used to the idea and my OH has come out of the shocked state he went into and stopped staring mindlessly out of windows and he's now getting used to the idea of being a Granddad at 43 (mum to be is only 20)
I'm a bit older than hubby but will still be a Nan before 50 ( gosh that looks horrible written down, the Nan and 50 bit and talking about me!!!!)
Anyone else youngish grandparents? What's it like?

I'm a bit older than hubby but will still be a Nan before 50 ( gosh that looks horrible written down, the Nan and 50 bit and talking about me!!!!)
Anyone else youngish grandparents? What's it like?