Are there any other grapes getting this message when there moving from one page to another on the same thread
" Prefetching is not allowed due to the various privacy issues that arise "
I'm not trying to go into area's that I'm not allowed into, just from say page 1 to page 2, 3 or 4 and so on.
I'm also getting the same message when I'm searching through social groups and trying to get onto the last post on some of the threads, I'm just finding it a bit annoying now because it's not on all the thread's
" Prefetching is not allowed due to the various privacy issues that arise "
I'm not trying to go into area's that I'm not allowed into, just from say page 1 to page 2, 3 or 4 and so on.
I'm also getting the same message when I'm searching through social groups and trying to get onto the last post on some of the threads, I'm just finding it a bit annoying now because it's not on all the thread's
