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Cat Poo Dilema


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  • Cat Poo Dilema

    Whilst tending to my raised beds and much loved veggies the other day I happened to peer over into my next door neighbour's garden to check (ok - spy!) on the progress of the veg in his raised bed. I noticed my cat had just done her business in his raised bed and was neatly covering it over

    Should I tell my neighbour

  • #2
    yep! you'd want to know wouldn't you?


    • #3
      I'd tell them, apologise & offer to remove it!
      Our cat has got into the habit of 'going' in next door's garden as there's a rottweiler in the garden on the other side of us so she's not comfortable in ours & the nice neighbour has well-hoed beds & borders she can dig in. I've apologised & told him I'd remove it & to shoo her off when he sees her but he's quite understanding & says at least she buries it neatly!
      Into every life a little rain must fall.


      • #4
        Would be better if they left it on the top wouldn't it, that way you wouldn't get any nasty surprises!. You could offer to buy your neighbour some netting for her beds and supply your puss with a sand tray in your garden.


        • #5
          If you put a tray of sand out your cat will probably start going there and leave the gardens alone... cats love pooing in sand for some reason.


          • #6
            Thank you for your advice....I think I knew what I had to do and I agree Swansea Girl it is soemthing I would want to know. It is one of my life's beliefs to treat people as you would want to be treated yourself.

            I told him at the weekend and he said he already knew but thanked me for telling him and it wasn't just my cat.

            We have a tray in doors but she only uses it when it is raining!!!

            Thank you all again.


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