Oh dear, hope the court take into account that she was a) unaware that the car was uninsured and b) the one who was practising sensibly, not doing handbrake turns.
Sad that she will be learning the hard way that acting stupid (her friend) while in charge of half a ton of killing machine (a car) brings bad consequences. Especially when they had at least done it off the road unlike so many idiots.
And yes..I too did stupid things as a teenager that worried my parents rigid. Though they never involved court, thank goodness. (Luck and judgement, as in more..) And I distinctly remember one winter at the age of 26, when I definately did know better, hurling my little Fiesta flat out round the collage car park when snow and traffic had turned it to sheet ice. There was no-one else around and no parked cars, but I could so easily have slid into the solid raised concrete flower beds! Not a sensible way to learn to drive in icy conditions.
And sadly WW my mum STILL worries over me (and I'm only 50
Sad that she will be learning the hard way that acting stupid (her friend) while in charge of half a ton of killing machine (a car) brings bad consequences. Especially when they had at least done it off the road unlike so many idiots.
And yes..I too did stupid things as a teenager that worried my parents rigid. Though they never involved court, thank goodness. (Luck and judgement, as in more..) And I distinctly remember one winter at the age of 26, when I definately did know better, hurling my little Fiesta flat out round the collage car park when snow and traffic had turned it to sheet ice. There was no-one else around and no parked cars, but I could so easily have slid into the solid raised concrete flower beds! Not a sensible way to learn to drive in icy conditions.
And sadly WW my mum STILL worries over me (and I'm only 50
