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Other Halfs


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  • Other Halfs

    Just wondering whether other Grapes garden with their other half? Does it work or do you argue? How do you divvy up the work? Or is your OH not into gardening at all, and how does that work?
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.

  • #2
    I am currently without an OH (life is so much simpler!), but the last boyf couldn't have given two hoots about my lottie. He used to moan like crazy when I'd say that I wanted to pop down on a Saturday morning for a couple hours, so 9 times out of 10 I'd end up not going, just to keep him happy. Won't be making that mistake again!!

    Have watched my parents over the years, and they tend to leave each other to it in their garden now, but that's only really started in the last few years. Ma gets frustrated at Da cos he doesn't really know what he's doing, and they have ended up arguing a fair bit. Now Mum tells Da what to do, and he tends to generally ignore her!! They''ve been married well over 50 years, so you'd think they'd have sussed out a few years back that they didn't have to be out there together!



    • #3
      My OH 'allows' me to do all the grafting in the garden (which suits me) as long as she can enjoy the fruits of my labour It works well although this year, I'm going to try to get her more involved by building a small raised bed so she can grow some salads to give her confidence. She's scared that she'll kill the plants somehow
      I want to live forever - or die trying


      • #4
        None of my BFs have been at all interested in gardening. Unfortunately, none of the gardeners on my lottie site interest me (in that way). Maybe its supposed to be a solitary activity?
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          OH is totally ignorant of things garden related so therefore assumes that I am an expert! Whilst I'm happy for him to think that I'm good at something, he does seem very disappointed when I have any failures and looks at me as if I've done it on purpose. He has helped me quite a bit with the heavy jobs, building greenhouse, making paths, raised beds etc but I wince when I see him near any plants as he seems to manage to tread on or lean against things rather a lot - on this basis would NEVER let him help with pricking out, he just doesn't seem to have the patience or gentle touch.

          Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

          Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


          • #6
            I am pretty lucky, OH usually prepared to help with heavy jobs (made me 4 raised beds last year) and likes to keep things tidy so I can usually talk him into jobs of that nature, but raiding the strawberry beds alongside my daughter is as far as he gets involved in the growing/harvesting side (I worry about asking him to do weeding, as he tends to throw the baby out with the bath water). Love him, bless him!
            All at once I hear your voice
            And time just slips away
            Bonnie Raitt


            • #7
              50:50 ( well maybe OH does a little more )
              I have more time to plan the layout, then OH tweeks it.
              Both get stuck into heavy work.
              Never I the lucky one or what?????
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • #8
                We work well on the lottie as we both like different jobs, Piglette loves weeding but hates sowing seeds etc, We both love digging which helps and as we have three plots we can get as close or as far apart as we want to during our spells there. Piglette has the patience of Job whilst I have the patience of a haddock so we balance out quite well there as well job wise.


                • #9
                  Mrs HW leaves me completely to it - for now. It's my "little project" and she says I can just get on with it. I am going to buy her some sunflowers which she's always wanted to grow, maybe that'll encourage her to come down.

                  I'm guessing once the weather picks up a bit she'll be more inclined, but it's a bit miserable down there at the moment.

                  Plus, I've only had the plot for 2/3 weeks now, so it's early days yet.
                  A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                  BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                  Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                  What would Vedder do?


                  • #10
                    my OH doesnt 'do gardening' but he will help with heavy duty jobs and moving flags etc, at the lottie....its not all bad though cause he does all the cooking and i do all the growing seems fair enough to me cause i cant stand cooking (unless its making jams/preserves/etc)
                    The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


                    • #11
                      Mr LJ does the heavy work for me. He does the rotovating, cuts the grass, half the watering, eats the strawberries but I wish he wouldn't spear so many potatoes when he digs them up!


                      • #12
                        Bubblewrap and I haven't really worked it out yet.

                        It's MY allotment. I decided to get one a couple of years ago, and was thinking I would have to do most of it myself, which I was happy with. I made a start last year and we have eaten my crops from it, but....
                        Then BW was made redundant and I encouraged him to get involved.

                        He has a very determined idea of 'neat and tidy' while I would like higgledy piggledy and flowers. He has been digging like fury bless him, but sometimes I feel a bit pushed out. I've given in to him over the winter, and if the crops are good, I won't complain too much.

                        When we go down together, we end up not communicating very well (and BW is not good at explaining himself), so it can result in ding dongs, however, we both want to work together, and it seems that I may end up doing the finnicky stuff like setting seeds, while he does the digging, weeding and heavier work.

                        We'll see how it goes.


                        • #13
                          I'm very aware that a few of the older guys on our lotties go there to have a bit of peace and quiet and to get away from their 'nagging wives'!!!!!
                          I always bear this in mind if I'm feeling very chatty and leave the 'old boys' to share their rude/sexist/ etc jokes between themselves!
                          The only time I tend to see their OH's is when the currants need picking!
                          Most of the guys seem to grow some flowers for their OH's.
                          Although I love the calmness, I do prefer company -someone to chat to when a well earned rest is in order! ( and a nice bit of helpful advice too!)
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • #14
                            We got out lottie together so try and divvie up the jobs based on skills and interest. E.g. we share the digging although I sometimes have to redig the patch to make sure all the weeds are out. Mr EB does most of the DIY bits although I have been threatened with having to get to grips with the power tools myself (wahay!!)

                            I do most of the planting and harvesting mainly because I work part time and therefore have more time. Miss EB helps with sowing, worm nurseries, picking "flowers", spreading woodchip and is starting to get into digging.

                            Mr EB is happy for me to do buying, planning and preserving although I do bounce ideas off him, check practicalities and recipe choices with him as I want us all to enjoy our bounty.

                            We both do the general cooking though and are happy to be flexible.

                            I too like to go there sometimes for peace and quiet so as the weather gets better I will no doubt choose to spend some time there during the week on my own. As the weather warms up the weekends will be busier down there so early morning will be my fave after an early school run or some such.
                            Bright Blessings

                            If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


                            • #15
                              Mrs Rat has until now shown absolutely no interest in growing veggies - or flowers for that matter, However now that it going to be providing our income, she says she will get more involved in things - we'll wait and see how long that lasts - sorry, but just cannot imagine her with compost under her fingernails or chucking cowsh*t about - not really her.
                              Miss Rat -Iona - now that is a different story. She loves it - especially as I bought her the pink bib and brace waterproofs so she can help me in what she now termed "The Field" - incase you haven't met her before - that's her in my avatar

                              British by birth
                              Scottish by the Grace of God



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