I was watching this program yesterday, called life without oil and it was made on the idea that almost all the oil in the world would disappear in one day.
OK, not very likely to happen.
But what caught my eye was that they were saying that all the people that lived in towns etc started growing there own food and survived on that.
They then showed a few tomato plants and salads growing in a still mainly grass garden.
Now, I don't know about you, but I'm reasonably good at growing my own, I manage to get something on the table most weeks of the year. But I think I would struggle to feed my family all year round.
They said the population of the world would go back to pre oil levels, surely so few people have the skills to survive and grow there own food, or find it in the wild (endless wild plant salads anyone) it would drop way more than that in the civilised world.
Anyway, I thought it was interesting, in a doom laden, this is what could happen way
OK, not very likely to happen.
But what caught my eye was that they were saying that all the people that lived in towns etc started growing there own food and survived on that.
They then showed a few tomato plants and salads growing in a still mainly grass garden.
Now, I don't know about you, but I'm reasonably good at growing my own, I manage to get something on the table most weeks of the year. But I think I would struggle to feed my family all year round.
They said the population of the world would go back to pre oil levels, surely so few people have the skills to survive and grow there own food, or find it in the wild (endless wild plant salads anyone) it would drop way more than that in the civilised world.
Anyway, I thought it was interesting, in a doom laden, this is what could happen way
