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How early do you rise in the morning?


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  • #16
    I get up when its light in the summer...though draw the line at 4am!!
    Read, have a cuppa, if I am quiet enough, though my DD is a very light sleeper so I have to be quiet.
    Sunday I might lie in til 8.
    Trouble is my OH is a night person, plus he works late shifts, so its tempting to stay up. I am not a night person!!
    Winter I have to force myself to get up at 6.30, could easily sleep till 8-9


    • #17
      Depends when the little 'un wakes.. between 04:30 and 05:30


      • #18
        Originally posted by northepaul View Post
        ... I am not a night person!!
        Me neither, I'm often to be found in bed by 2100hrs in the winter, never much passed 2200hrs in summer.

        I can sleep right though but my darling two cats have other ideas, they want me up and feeding them at 0400hrs, I have to do this otherwise the torture is relentless - Cass (clever one) will tug at the duvet and gently pull at my finger with her teeth!!! Cleo (pretty, but dumb one) does whatever Cass says

        As to actually getting up and staying up - probably between 0600-0730hrs winter or summer


        • #19
          Alarm at 6.50 - tea in bed (kettle by my side) then into bathroom at 7.15. Chickens, a quick mooch in the garden, then Mum - I go to hers at 8.00 while she goes through the bathroom (takes an hour!) and sister goes to work. I get her breakfast before I come home. I'm back home about 9.15 to get me Vine fix! Then off out to pootle around garden or allotment.
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • #20
            Always awake before or by 7 a.m. - I love having the place to myself for a while.

            Like others have said, I take a walk around the garden, only about 10 or 15 mins, then back inside to make tea.

            Later, I usually take a rest during the day, feet up on sofa with the laptop or some trashy TV stuff (doze off half way through) - sometimes even reading!
            My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




            • #21
              I work nights but even on my nights off I get up with the sun. In darkest winter I could hibernate though!.


              • #22
                How early???...too early...most days
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #23
                  I'm usually up for about 7.30 in the week, get youngest's pack-up sorted and out of the house for 8.45am. Walk the dog, potter at the allotment, then come home and study for a few hours.
                  I'd love to be an earlier riser, but that would mean an earlier night and as the OH works til 8-8.30pm ish, he tends to be a night-owl so I wouldn't see him if I was going to bed at 9pm! Most nights I'm up past midnight.


                  • #24
                    What's a morning? Ah, the joys of early retirement.
                    There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


                    • #25
                      I start work at 7am so am up at 5.30. Can't stay awake much later than 9.30 in the a light sleeper so often way awake at night. The last 2 have been so windy and noisy here!
                      I don't work Wednesdays but I had to get up even earlier today - poor daughter's on the Roscoff/Plymouth ferry today going home after a visit
                      By the way, for those of you who love artichokes, the fields round Roscoff where they grow something like 80% of the french artichoke production were looking magnificent this-morning! Yum yum!


                      • #26
                        We try to be out in the woods with dogs by 7. In winter we tend not to quite manage that, but since it is still rather dark then........
                        Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


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