I'm just me, if I want to wear makeup and a dress I will but most of the time I don't as it's not really practical and I don't see the point. I do a job which would have been difficult for my mother's generation and sometimes it can be sexist but 99% of the time in a jokey way amongst friends. That's fine, I can hold my own as I was brought up to be independent and able to take care of myself. I am annoyed by those stupid women who think they need a man to make them complete or by blokes who think they're superior. Some men make better mothers, some women are stronger etc etc, we're all individuals with different skills so do the things that utilise these skills and balance them against any partner's skills and you'll be fine even if the rubbish that "society" can put out that you're supposed to sit in your little box cos of what gender you were born.
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