I have a facebook account,with 1 friend on it which happens to be my brother.I had over 300 friends at one stage and decided I had read enough about how much they had to drink the night before and how rough they were feeling now,how much they love their kids...don't we all but most of us don't need to prove it by writing it on the internet four times a day.
So I cut all those people out then I looked at all my friends that I see or speak to everyday (the friends I really want to bother with,not people who have collected me as their FB friend to add numbers!)and took them out and was left with my brother
I find Facebook great now,if I need to get in touch with my brother and cant get through on the phone I can send him a message,if I want to show him a photo of my garden/son/dog I can
(do you think the fact that I put garden before my son is wrong?...
So I cut all those people out then I looked at all my friends that I see or speak to everyday (the friends I really want to bother with,not people who have collected me as their FB friend to add numbers!)and took them out and was left with my brother

I find Facebook great now,if I need to get in touch with my brother and cant get through on the phone I can send him a message,if I want to show him a photo of my garden/son/dog I can
