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  • #16
    Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
    It's a useful site for that kind of thing.
    For those of us that moved around alot; it's fabulous for that sort of thing. Esp with relatives on other sides of ponds.


    • #17
      Ditto what Zaz says.
      Facebook is email with pictures. Some people use it to have imaginary friends; most don't.
      Some spend all day on it building farms; most don't.

      Some use it for their business - our local pub sends out all its friends (customers) invitations to special events etc.
      Last edited by Two_Sheds; 27-06-2010, 09:47 AM.
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #18
        Yup - ditto Zaz and TS. I'm now in touch with friends in NZ and Spain, and Ooop Norf too!

        I hope I didn't offend anyone by ignoring all the Farmv/Zoo/other invitations. No offence meant, I just do not have the time. I get far too little done as it is! LOL
        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


        • #19
          Ditto Zaz and G4, I am in touch with family/friends I haven't seen in years and its lovely.

          I had farms etc and gave them all up because I got really bored with them. I love online scrabble and have several games going with other grapes

          As for stauts updates, I stick to the mundane stuff and try to keep the language civil I have aunts/uncles/cousins on there and I wouldn't want them to see me using it publicly (I DO swear, I'm no angel) in banter with other friends.
          If I have personal stuff going on I keep it to myself.
          Kirsty b xx


          • #20
            It can be great it can be a curse.
            For me it's a little bit of company whilst I do the mundane task of housework...I like company and although I have some great 'real' friends,not many of them feel so dedicated to me that they'll watch/help me do housework
            I sympathise with you over how some people vary in what they deem appropriate to scrawl on their wall...I'm much like Kirsty in that the trivial stuff is what gets broadcast,personal stuff stays personal.
            I have friends/family on there that see their wall as a place to have little snipes at other friends/family members and at times it can feel quite uncomfortable.
            As for who to accept...if you don't know them or have no desire to befriend them then press the ignore button.If you feel embarassed to ask them who they are,check if they have a mutual friend,get in touch with said friend and ask them who they are.
            the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

            Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


            • #21
              I'm SO out of touch! Can someone direct me to a facebook thingy so I can have a look? I have no idea and it's obviously better than email.....The only time I've come accross it is when perfect strangers have asked me to be their "friend", which struck me as rather creepy.....
              Last edited by Patchninja; 27-06-2010, 01:16 PM.


              • #22
                Just Google Facebook and click the register button
                (says she that had to be talked through each and every step)
                the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                • #23
                  As our family has become dispersed over the country, OH and myself use it to keep in touch with everyone and find out what they're doing. I also use myspace, but I just cannot see the point in twitter.

                  Live each day as if it was your last because one day it will be


                  • #24
                    And... it is fab to see friends and their kids growing up in photo and video form; you can't see everyone all the time and it just gives you a snapshot of people as they get older. And we share old memories of music and art and stuff without having to travel 250 kept me sane when I was job hunting [esp the scrabble which I just can't keep up with in a full time job, more's the pity].

                    If you accept it for what it is, a communication tool; and set your privacy accordingly - then nothing should really go wrong.

                    [and people had affairs and marriages broke up long before faceache was invented...]
                    Last edited by zazen999; 27-06-2010, 01:28 PM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Patchninja View Post
                      I'm SO out of touch! Can someone direct me to a facebook thingy so I can have a look? I have no idea and it's obviously better than email.....The only time I've come accross it is when perfect strangers have asked me to be their "friend", which struck me as rather creepy.....
                      As Andy&Di say, just google Facebook and sign up. We have a group of grapes on FB, and I've posted a link here for you. Obviously we don't all use our own names, so this helps sort out who is who. Willkommen bei Facebook


                      • #26
                        to be honest, it scares me stiff-- during my family research sortees, i have sometimes googled a name of a long dead relative. if i am lucky i find it on an obscure parish record, or someone elses public tree, but i have innocently clicked on a likely candidate, only to find i am viewing a living persons life in pictures and words on face book. i have now learnt to look at the hmmtl. below the listing.
                        apart fromn facebook,, at any given time so many information gatherers can browse all of your emails, sites you visit etc., gathering information for agencies and governments.

                        i will not ever be joining facebook or any similar- i am far too private a person to broadcast; anyone who matters to me is going to know what i am doing via conventional methods, so i guess i am very behind the times and traditional.


                        • #27
                          I use it quite a lot but I'm now really careful about what I put on there, not for any specific reason but because it's far too easy to have privacy setting that allows the world and its aunt to see your personal details.

                          But a great way of keeping up with family.
                          TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by lindyloo View Post
                            so many information gatherers .... gathering information for agencies and governments.
                            Good luck to them. Any government that's interested in my goings-on is welcome to it.
                            Last edited by Two_Sheds; 28-06-2010, 08:02 AM.
                            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                            • #29
                              two sheds- well its not just them; i dont want any joe bloggs, or his friend , to be able to view my life. i have always been a very private and self contained person; to me facebook seems a bit like the cliches and clubs at school- just not really my thing. if i want someone to know what i am doing, then i have a face to face chat with them, and to be honest it seems like a lot of bother to input it all in to the computer anyway, i'd rather be doing something else.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by lindyloo View Post
                                two sheds- well its not just them; i dont want any joe bloggs, or his friend , to be able to view my life. i have always been a very private and self contained person; to me facebook seems a bit like the cliches and clubs at school- just not really my thing. if i want someone to know what i am doing, then i have a face to face chat with them, and to be honest it seems like a lot of bother to input it all in to the computer anyway, i'd rather be doing something else.
                                I think it usually ends up with a 'for' and 'against' gang warfare when we talk about faceache on here; and the general concensus is 'if you like it and use it then great; otherwise, don't!'. Nobody needs to be arguing about it!


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