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What's your job?


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  • What's your job?

    Can you tell I'm bored this morning?

    So.. what do you do for a living?

    I'm a developer mainly on the nhs screening systems (breast, bowel, cervical). Mind you, currently writing some reporting stuff for active directory - uhh - boring. It's an alright job, better than my previous one (programming a cold calling system - sorry peeps, I probably somwhere down the line have contributed to annoying you!!). At least in this job I can claim to be indirectly helping lives

    I also do a lot of freelance work, which helps having a sieve as a wife.

    Though, I did have a go on a sit on mower the other day...wouldn't mind doing that as a job!

  • #2
    Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
    ... sorry peeps, I probably somwhere down the line have contributed to annoying you!!)....
    I find that hard to believe

    I'm a self-employed (home-based) Administrator, which covers many areas, to include but not exclusive to, Australian migration, a US training company, head-hunters, web-development to name a selection.

    It all goes on in this little office at home and you guys often keep me sane as I may never see 'real' people for most of the day - almost all of my working day talking is either via online, msn, email, text, skype - or heaven forbid 'the telephone'.

    I started this business in 2000 and have been gainfully employed with it ever since, long may it continue.


    • #3
      I have recently started knitting lace shawls, scarves and stoles which I sell. So far commissions have made up the bulk of my work. I really enjoy it and hope to start knitting socks as well. As piskie says, the vine helps keep me in touch with the world as my hubby works away in the week and the kids are too old to be any company at all
      Happy Gardening,


      • #4
        I work with 'difficult' young people - guiding, counselling, mentoring. Self harmers, rape victims and so on.

        "Raised to a state of heavenly lunacy where I just can't be touched!"


        • #5
          I am "retired" and we have a big garden so I am the one who sits on the ride on mower all day and it's no fun, I can assure you!
          I actually miss work - I never thought I'd say that 4 years ago but, it's out there now.

          When I did work, I started as a bank clerk, then went on to silk screen printing, spent 15 years as a Work Study officer (yes, stopwatch and clipboard ) and ended up as a Management information officer (sort of glorified administrator) and in my spare time I was a volunteer grief counsellor, which is the job I should have done all along.

          I enjoyed working but, as most have already said, it was the company (with a small c) that I miss most.
          A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


          • #6
            I work in the Community Department of a football club......we do all the kids courses and coach education etc.... getting ready for the summer madness....


            • #7
              I joined the dark side of the force:

              I am currently a QHSE Advisor, soon to work as a QA Engineer,.... so all about quality, health, safety, environment.
     updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics


              • #8
                I work in the HR Department of a large campus-based University... I'm the Director's PA and Divisional Administrator....

                Actually, I really enjoy it here. The campus is lovely, we have good T&C's, there are always interesting people and things going on, and from about now, we have several blessed months where there are NO students!


                • #9
                  Software developer, business systems mostly.
                  Urban Escape Blog


                  • #10
                    I think my main job is confusing people about growing tomatoes!

                    But I also own a cycle shop.

                    Mrs TK is an Agent Commercial (Estate Agent)
                    Mr TK's blog:
                    2nd Jan early tomato sowing.

                    Video build your own Poly-tunnel


                    • #11
                      I do sit on a mower as my job! I've worked as a gardener for the last 10/11 years but have recently had to start again from scratch as I moved about 100 miles away from the previous house. Slowly getting more work. Work at the most fantastic 16th century water mill one day a week with kingfishers and swans for company!
                      (ask me again in February and I won't be so cheerful!)


                      • #12
                        General layabout.
                        I am paid by the government to do sod all as I took pension credits last year.
                        I do enjoy my allotment though & I was there at 5:15 this morning & did about 4 hours on my knees weeding.
                        I bought a lawn mower on Monday of the old cylinder sort it was only �30 from B&Q.
                        Last edited by bubblewrap; 30-06-2010, 11:41 AM.
                        The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                        Brian Clough


                        • #13
                          dealer in an antiques center


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by lindyloo View Post
                            dealer in an antiques center
                            I'm nearly an antique myself!
                            The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                            Brian Clough


                            • #15
                              i'm a senior science technician in a secondary school, basically I wet nurse the teachers!!!!!!!


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