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books you should read before you die?


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  • books you should read before you die?

    I used to love reading, but what with raising the kids, jobs, running the house, etc. I lost the habit.

    I have recently rediscovered my local library, and am now thinking about which books I ought to read or re-read.

    So far I have:

    To Kill a Mockingbird
    Brave New World
    Moby Dick
    Bleak House
    Great Gatsby
    Pride & Prejudice
    Canterbury Tales

    I know there are tons of others and my brain has gone blank.
    Any other suggestions please.

    �If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�

    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal

  • #2
    will have a think as i go about my day; i love reading, so will watch this thread with interest. i dont think you can go wrong with thomas hardy,or charles dickens, if both a bit longwinded. depends what type of read you are after. probably the first book that came to mind as a good read , is 'gypsy', by lesley pierce. not a classic, but very enjoyable.


    • #3
      A Million Little Pieces & My Friend Leonard by James Frey - stunning books
      Memoirs of a Geisha
      Prosac Nation
      Anything by Douglas Kennedy - esp. the Pursuit of Happiness or The Woman in the Fifth
      or anything by Paulina Simmons - but esp. Eleven Hours

      I could go on for hours but that will do for a start
      keen but (slightly less) clueless


      • #4
        Catch 22. It's a slow starter but still the best book I've ever read.


        • #5
          Most of your list, and

          The Mayor of Casterbridge and several others by Thomas Hardy
          Shakespeare (any or all)
          Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park)
          Damon Runyan

          Some others (modern authors) whose names escape me now - Weekend Wellies, you've started a great thread and I know this is going to be going around in my head for the day.
          My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)


          • #6
            Madrapur by Robert Merle
            Ditte by Martin Andersen Nexoe
            Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
            The Physician by Noah Gordon
            Ramses I-V by Christian Jacq
            The little prince by Antoine de St. Exupery
            The Odyssey by Homer
            The count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
            The house of spirits by Isabelle Allende
   updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics


            • #7
              Adrian Mole books - Sue Townsend
              Junky - William S Burroughs
              Martyn Pig - Kevin Brooks
              Mice and Men - John Steinbeck


              Carpe Diem

              The way I see it, if you want the rainbow you have got to put up with the rain!



              • #8
                One book we read in school was 'Where the Red Fern Grows' - touched me then, still does today..

                Admitidly a kids book, but it was great. - i'm gonna buy a copy for my daughter


                • #9
                  Depends on what you like, I've always loved reading but hated being told at school what books I SHOULD be reading, hated most of my O'level English books as all the analysis sucked all the pleasure out of them. I usually have about 3 books on the go, probably an autobiography, something a bit technical, something funny or maybe a travel book or historic novel. I have very wide ranging taste but prefer books which make me think as opose to one of my friends who wants total escapism.

                  Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                  Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                  • #10
                    I just don't go with the whole 'books you should read' thing. I read for fun and relaxation, most of the 'ought to' books just don't fit that for me.
                    My tastes are wide ranging, but you can forget Dickens (barring Christmas Carol and Pickwick Papers) because after David Copperfield in school (we were expected to read it aloud, SO not going to do that) I never wanted to see anything else by the same person.
                    Nothing wrong with kid's books
                    How about the Green Knowe collection (Lucy M Boston)
                    Little White Horse (Elizabeth Goudge, who also wrote ones that were not aimed at children, but often had a child as an important character)
                    There are so many books out there to discover, why concentrate on ones that we are 'supposed' to read?
                    Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                    • #11
                      The Time Travellers Wife

                      Espedair Street by Ian Banks.

                      The Kitchen Gods Wife by Amy Tan.

                      Of Mice and Men

                      Brave New World


                      • #12
                        Of Mice and men.
                        To Kill a Mocking Bird.
                        The Scottish Play.
                        Silas Marner.

                        Binley really does Know best!
                        G4-Meteorological mastermind! Stone/String it's all covered!
                        Jeanied- Makes your day complete!!
                        PB- Masteress of Pumpkins!

                        I Don't Know who Dave is...But he's one cool Dude!
                        I Once was a Tuber but with a little practice!!


                        • #13
                          I'm with Hilary B on this; my sentiments exactly. I'm an avid reader but school destroyed any fledgeling interest I may have developed in the classics.

                          As I read late at night, I don't want anything unpleasant. I've just finished Andrea Camilleri's latest Inspector Montalbano. I've read all of them, but they take a bit of peserverance.

                          I love anything about France or Italy, so Peter Mayle (novels rather than biogs), Annie Hawes and Frances Mayes (a bit prosy) and others like that. I'd love to live abroad but until that day, then I'm doing it by proxy!

                          I've re-read lots of children's stories I read as a child. Arthur Ransome is always good - he doesn't patronise children. The Famous Five were sickeningly goody-goody as an adult.

                          When I go into a bookstore, or look on Amazon for a new book, I get 'author blindness' and immediately forget all my favourite authors - very annoying!


                          Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                          ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                          Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                          • #14
                            Oh i forgot one!

                            The Hungry hungry catapillar!

                            Brilliant book! my Nices now have it! now if a book can stay in press for 30 years it must be good

                            Binley really does Know best!
                            G4-Meteorological mastermind! Stone/String it's all covered!
                            Jeanied- Makes your day complete!!
                            PB- Masteress of Pumpkins!

                            I Don't Know who Dave is...But he's one cool Dude!
                            I Once was a Tuber but with a little practice!!


                            • #15
                              Whoops I feel I am in the wrong place. I only read when on holiday, when there is nothing else to do. Even then I am releived when the tale is told. Am I lacking a 'must read gene'.


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