Why would someone deliberately climb a 6ft wall and then tip over our Teak (read as heavy) garden table, destroying my plants that were on said table? (around 45 leeks amongst other things
What did we do to deserve that other than put up with them hanging around at the back of our garden making a noise and only occasionally asking them politely not to sit on the wall as it is a) dangerous and b) freaks my disabled son out?
I believe that damp chicken pellets liberally dotted around the alley and a sprinkler system in the conker tree they so like to hang around under may be in order as the police are not interested

What did we do to deserve that other than put up with them hanging around at the back of our garden making a noise and only occasionally asking them politely not to sit on the wall as it is a) dangerous and b) freaks my disabled son out?
I believe that damp chicken pellets liberally dotted around the alley and a sprinkler system in the conker tree they so like to hang around under may be in order as the police are not interested
