Originally posted by Incy
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All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Hasn't there been some sort of Police Pledging advertised on TV?.......I hope you get it sorted.
GMP - South Manchester local areasigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............
I can so see why you could not sleep Incy. You are in shock. With the light of day I hope you can rationalise and come up with a solution. These yobs will never respond kindly to reason they are mindless.
Has this sort of incident happened before. Are you being targeted?
The only consolation I can give is that they will seriously regret their actions and will live to regret it.
Thank you all for your support and good ideas. I went back to bed but sleep eluded me
We have encouraged nettles and brambles at the back of the garden but even they won't grow at the place where these yobs keep coming in. Sadly this is far from the first problem we've had ( there's more than one group who like to hang around there so no idea who was responsible). They have even thrown a half brick over the wall at my son in the past.
TS, I like the idea of pyrocantha in mobile containers. 2 of the 20 we planted have survived so maybe I can take some cuttings from them.
Jackie are you sure the height is internally measured? If you are correct then we can perhaps add more height after all as the ground is quite a bit higher inside the property.
Does comfrey tea really smell that bad? My friend has recently given me a couple of plants which are growing away happily in a bucket at the moment.
We did try chicken pellets but it only worked for about a day.
I was actually thinking of making it 'rain' from the tree that overhangs the alley where they hang around so I think dye is probably a no no
Incy what a bunch of bummocks with this lot of yobs.
I don't suppose there is a stables near you at all? If there is, it might be an idea to get some nice ripe horse poo and make a compost heap right where these lads land when they jump over - again there would be lots of flies in that spot too.
Hope you can raise the height of the wall though.
(((((hugs))))) from usHappy Gardening,
Oh poor you. Keep on at the police, report every incident even if they don't actually come onto your premises. Presumably you can hear the noise and antisocial behaviour when they gather. Contact the local press, councillors and your MP. Can you rig up some sort of security camera? Harrassment is a crime, particularly against people with disabilities and I think they should be very interested in view of recent cases that ended in tragedy which were well publicised.
How awful for you. Even putting a dummy camera up may help. We had one pointed at OH's 'supercar' in our old house, it had batteries and was motion sensitive. They are quite cheap and are very realistic.
Or could you borrow a LARGE barky dog for a few days?
Actually we did borrow a large barky dog a couple of summers ago. It helped in the short term. Sadly said dog has now moved away so we no longer have access to him.
Rustylady. I don't think these incidents are motivated by anything other than stupidity and a lack of respect for others. We have been reporting every incident to the police. Unfortunately the alley is the boundary between 2 areas one end belonging to one patch and the other to another. The result is that no one bothers patrolling it.
We don't have security cameras and as I have recently been made redundant I don't think we can afford to get them right now.
I suppose in a way I am fortunate. They could have done a lot more damage than they did. It does feel like a total violation though that they should do this in broad daylight while we were home.
Incy the police could help with a camera if you are getting persistant nuisances - they have them to lend out. It sounds like you need them to take you more seriously - why not ask for Victim Support?Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?
The comfrey tea does work. We had some trouble with kids coming through a hedge until I liberally sprayed it. Never seen them since
We also have a very protective dog who likes to go for would be burglars, or anyone else who shouldn't be there.
Originally posted by Incy View PostI suppose in a way I am fortunate. They could have done a lot more damage than they did.
Truly horrid, I do feel for you
Many good suggestions given above.
I favour contacting the Police at each and every 'assualt', keeping a log on all that happens and who you reported it to, point a camera (hand-held will be fine) at the 'lil darlinks' - even you don't take any pictures, it could make them think - if they are capable of thinking, which I doubtaka
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