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  • #31
    How awful. Hope you're able to recover some of your plants.

    We have prikka strip around the top of our fence - deters pretty much anything and anybody and it comes with these nice little signs, so anyone getting prikka-ed can't say they weren't warned.

    We have a 'Safer Neighbourhoods' department within our local council, who work hand in glove with the local Community Police Officers both of which do a fantastic job - they ended up giving us CCTV cameras to deal with our problem with a troublesome youth and his sister and it worked a treat - not seen hide nor hair of them since OH made a very public show off putting it up .

    Anti-social behaviour is supposed to be a HUGE target for the police these days, so it may well be worth looking on your Council website and seeing if you can go down that route.

    In the mean time, keep a diary of when they're around, what time they arrive, when they finally leave, the noise, your actions, their reactions, any trouble etc just in case you can get some one interested. Beware of taking photo's though , the law protects the rights of others in respect of whether or not they are happy to have their picture taken and you could end up in more trouble than the Oiks causing you the problems - it would appear that invasion of privacy is more important than invasion of someones quality of life, garden etc .

    Best of luck


    • #32
      What horrible mindless vandalism. Can you fix something spiky on your side of the wall?
      We have carpet gripper on our side of our 6' gates. Surely if the wall is that high no-one should be climbing on it anyway. Since our breakin we alos have barbed wire on top of our side gate and on top of the security gates across the rear entry.
      We set broken glass on top of the rear garden wall (its probably neare 7' ) the police have seen it but when I said no-one should be climbing there he said he hadn't seen it and he's the one who suggested the carpet gripper.
      S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
      a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

      You can't beat a bit of garden porn


      • #33
        Originally posted by reetnproper View Post
        How awful. Hope you're able to recover some of your plants.

        Anti-social behaviour is supposed to be a HUGE target for the police these days, so it may well be worth looking on your Council website and seeing if you can go down that route.

        Here it is apparently burglary that is the priority target. OH has been keeping a log and lists all previous problems every time he calls. I bet they're getting sick of us at this point


        • #34
          It doesn't matter the more calls they log the more chance of them doing something.
          S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
          a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

          You can't beat a bit of garden porn


          • #35
            I'd have thought that if you are so worked up about them , then your son will also be affected?
            Is there someone you can speak with going down that route for support?
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #36
              Just had to ask another bunch to get off the blimmin wall and got a mouthful of carp for my trouble.
              On the plus side, I have rescued the leeks. Fingers crossed they survive the harsh treatment. I'm not holding out much hope for the squash I was growing for a friend though.


              • #37
                Next time I'd accidentally spray them with your hosepipe whilst using it in the garden!!

                On the other hand- they may find that rathe refreshing!

                Tis a bit sad that there's nowhere more exciting they can get to isn't it?
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Incy View Post
                  TS, I like the idea of pyrocantha in mobile containers.

                  Does comfrey tea really smell that bad?
                  I have some rooted cuttings if you PM me: they won't be ready for a few weeks, but you're welcome to them.

                  And yes, comfrey tea is BAD: it smells like manure, but worse, and it immediately attracts a host of flies.

                  Originally posted by Incy View Post
                  I don't think these incidents are motivated by anything other than stupidity and a lack of respect for others.
                  Call their bluff: go out with a pot of tea & biscuits next time, and ask them why they sit on your wall?

                  Originally posted by reetnproper View Post
                  Beware of taking photo's though , the law protects the rights of others
                  It's perfectly legal to take cctv footage on your own property. More info here
                  All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                  • #39
                    I'd perhaps go out with tea and biscuits and tell them that you are more than happy for them to sit on your wall as a cat keeps peeing on it and you think them sitting on it is soaking up all the excess pee so whilst they are there, do they want bikkies?

                    And, water it with comfrey tea; it smells like an ill baby's soggy nappy. Put the left over comfrey at the base of the wall and it should stink the place out.


                    • #40
                      Incy, sorry to hear of your troubles. I really hesitate to suggest this, as it shouldn't at all be necessary... but there has been such a furore in the press in the last week or two about the abuse/bullying of a disabled minority (remember that lady who didn't get police help, couldn't cope any more and ended up killing herself and her disabled child to escape?) that perhaps if you suggested it was aimed at your disabled son, the police/council would move a lot faster to help?

                      It doesn't sit well to suggest using your son this way, but then he has been and is a victim too.

                      Hope the idea isn't offensive. profuse apologies if it is.

                      Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day


                      • #41
                        poultry or pigs muck would be better- horrendous smell! and you could paint it along the top of fence too.


                        • #42
                          Could you build another fence just inside your 6ft fence, but considerably higher and with prickly stuff/carpet grip etc along the top?

                          Or make it into a pergola or something so that it's a Garden Structure, rather than a fence?


                          • #43
                            how very awful - I moved house (easy for me to do) a year and a half ago because of such scum so I understand the impotent anger. I'm afraid I agree with Nicos and Cara and you should do what you need to do. My sister is severely disabled and some 20yrs ago we had trouble directed at us as a vunerable family. (not necessarily the case here) Her situation 'helped' in getting the powers that be off their behinds and with more gusto.
                            Last edited by rogesse; 02-07-2010, 03:11 PM. Reason: .


                            • #44
                              Not Again!

                              I can't believe it!
                              They have only come back again and trashed everything I managed to rescue from their last visit all over again.
                              Of course no one in sight when I got back from the park with my lad and discovered the mess


                              • #45
                                Get the prickly stuff on the top of the wall.
                                I'd go with the horse muck (and if you can find a friendly dairy farmer, some cow muck as well, because that is squishier....), heaped up just inside the wall, where they would HAVE to land on the way in (and stand to climb up on the way out) so that they cannot possibly go over the wall without acquiring a liberal covering to their lower regions (preferably to knee height).
                                That will also give you a clue as to the culprits.
                                If you ask them off the wall and they throw language at you, turn away saying something like "please yourselves, don't blame me if you end up with a broken leg".
                                If they are 'retaliating' for being asked not to climb the wall, then it IS aimed at your family. If they do so when you mention the effect of their behaviou on your sone, they ARE harrassing HIM.
                                Use whatever weapons you can, including the local paper!
                                Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


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