I've been waiting for it to happen, and it did yesterday: my elderly long-haired guinea pig had flystrike. There were clusters of 100s of tiny white maggots round her rear end.
It happens in every heat wave, however clean the hutch is: the flies lay eggs in the poops and they hatch into maggots which will eat the animal alive if left. Horrible.
I deal with them by sitting the pig in a bath of strong salty water until most of the maggots float off (5-10 mins): then I give her a good bath with Ecover and rinse well.
She's OK this morning, but I'll still be checking her every day for more.
It happens in every heat wave, however clean the hutch is: the flies lay eggs in the poops and they hatch into maggots which will eat the animal alive if left. Horrible.
I deal with them by sitting the pig in a bath of strong salty water until most of the maggots float off (5-10 mins): then I give her a good bath with Ecover and rinse well.
She's OK this morning, but I'll still be checking her every day for more.