Our Mrs Blackbird has 3 fledglings running around our garden at the moment (keep scaring the living daylights our of me when they burst out from the courgettes etc bless them)
She's really very friendly but such a bossy boots. She scolds me and OH from a foot away, if we're working in the garden and NOT finding her any worms.
Over the last couple of days though, she's really opened my eyes to her Jeckyl and Hyde personality
Saturday I spotted her beating a frog to death and feeding it to one of the fledglings - it was quite fasinating if a little horrific to watch and put me in mind of a similar thing on Springwatch a couple of weeks ago.
But it's the way she chases the other birds of her patch that gets me. I have never seen a Blackbird behave that way to any birds other than other blackbirds.
The other day it was our newly arrived Song Thrush that got the rough end or her protective mother act - very aggressive she was and soon chased the Thrush away. It ws back in our garden yesterday but not for long because the moment she saw it Mrs Blackbird booted him out
. We're assuming it's because Mrs B wants all the wriggly worms, frogs and newts to her self to feed 3 hungry, growing mouths.

She's really very friendly but such a bossy boots. She scolds me and OH from a foot away, if we're working in the garden and NOT finding her any worms.
Over the last couple of days though, she's really opened my eyes to her Jeckyl and Hyde personality

Saturday I spotted her beating a frog to death and feeding it to one of the fledglings - it was quite fasinating if a little horrific to watch and put me in mind of a similar thing on Springwatch a couple of weeks ago.
But it's the way she chases the other birds of her patch that gets me. I have never seen a Blackbird behave that way to any birds other than other blackbirds.
The other day it was our newly arrived Song Thrush that got the rough end or her protective mother act - very aggressive she was and soon chased the Thrush away. It ws back in our garden yesterday but not for long because the moment she saw it Mrs Blackbird booted him out
