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Repeat postings?


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  • Repeat postings?

    Mods feel free to close this immediately
    I know that the thread on death of a message board was closed but one of the points raised was repeat posting and the poor quality of some threads. As a very very long time member of the Vine, this was a point raised about GYO (and other garden mags) way back when I could only type with one finger and my tongue hanging out the side of my mouth.
    It's bound to happen, veg growing is a seasonal thing, there are a limited number of veggies that most people grow, and although there are always some new fangled ideas and equipment, people need to understand the basic principles and techniques before venturing into the realms of the Medwyns etc. I only buy the magazine ocassionally now, but am still a frequent visitor to the Vine. There are a lot of posts that I ignore - don't have chooks cos my dog would kill them all in 10 secs flat, so I don't read the Rule the Roost. I do use the general search button a lot to filter stuff (especially if I haven't been on for a while)
    As to the quality of posts, there are a lot more general chat type posts than there used to be but what's the problem with that - nobody forces anyone to read them just as no-one forces anyone to reply or even to join.
    As I said, I've been here since almost the very beginning of this forum, and I still find it useful, informative, good fun and very friendly, even after almost 4 years.
    There, a grumpy old man has had his say so now you can lock it up and throw away the key

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God

  • #2
    Nice one SR fully agree. I always learn something I didn't know before.
    AKA Angie


    • #3
      Precisely and I've just learned a few things from SR's post
      S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
      a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

      You can't beat a bit of garden porn


      • #4
        As a relatively new member of the vine, may I join this discussion?
        I so much agree with Sewer Rat (how could you choose that name?!) - I don't read the chooks threads as I don't have any, and I usually don't bother with the general chat, but already I do love the vine.
        It's so informative and generous with both advice, seeds, and genuine caring and good humour for all the group and individuals. I began to write about the great moderators but realised I was beginning to sound a bit OTT. I'll just say that I'm so glad that I found the Vine and really appreciate it. Thank you to all of you who contribute to it
        Wars against nations are fought to change maps; wars against poverty are fought to map change � Muhammad Ali


        • #5
          Of course there's a lot of rubbish on this forum but the stuff I think is rubbish will be the bit that somebody else thinks is good. There's been a few times when I've thought it was getting too chatty and moving totally away from growing but that seems to have stabilised now. I have no interest in a high number of the jokey or "I saw this on another forum" games but other people like them so I avoid them. It can get very annoying when people splice them into a thread where you genuinely want advice on things but I've come to the conclusion if you don't get a reasonable reply fairly quickly then the problem is one which other people can't solve either so at least it wasn't a stupid question . Also can be annoying (well it is to be honest) when people keep asking the same questions several times a day (maybe the search function needs highlighting more on the home page ?) and if I've answered it once I can't always be bothered the second time but hopefully somebody else will instead. Not been on much for the past couple of days and am a bit shocked that a couple of people have come on all guns blazing and got themselves banned but hey hoe and all that.

          Anyway, sorry for the ramble, it's been a heavy weekend

          Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

          Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Alison View Post
            [...] am a bit shocked that a couple of people have come on all guns blazing and got themselves banned [...]
            There's always a couple, every year... Sometimes they're even the same person 'reinvented' so to speak I guess it's cyclical, just like growing, and, posts on message boards We don't do so badly on here really, some boards/forums are laden with people who want to argue or cause trouble... whereas people here seem to want to be helpful and nice


            • #7
              It all depends what mood i am in......what time i have ...

              I like the chat area when i have abit of ME time.

              I sometimes read a bit of everything and i sometimes just read what i need to.

              The point is....there is a choice for everyoen depending on what you want.

              Couldnt ask for more than that,......and one s forcing ANYONE to read/respond to something they dont want to. Good books give all the information but without the personal input that you get on here and the experience. I often read books but want to know more, but cant ask the author (if you see what i mean)

              Choice...........................thats what we have here,

              Right i had better go to bed

              If someone has lost their smile, give them one of yours. :

              Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said

              God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done


              • #8
                Just a couple of notes on the topics raised...

                Repeat posting; we try very hard to 'round them up' onto one thread [for example, we were getting whole threads ranting about things and thus the rant thread was formed to try and keep rants together - which does seem to do the trick]

                Poor Quality of the threads; what constitutes good quality? The threads are started and contributed to be the audience. If the threads are poor quality are we saying that the audience is? You can't change it unless you make it a subscription only service with paid Mods to 'approve' every thread. Eugh!

                There isn't an answer to this conundrum; we did a 'survey' to look at the amount of 'chat' threads as opposed to the 'non-chat' threads and the gardening based queries vastly outnumbered the chat threads.

                I still think this is one of the best forums going; and yes - it gets a bit slow when people are [shock horror] out there gardening but for people to join up [again after being banned in the past] and start harumping about the state of our forum - well, it takes the biscuit.
                Last edited by zazen999; 19-07-2010, 07:13 AM.


                • #9
                  Dammit............have I missed summat???????
                  My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                  to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                  Diversify & prosper


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                    ... and the gardening based queries vastly outnumbered the chat threads.
                    So, we don't chat enough is that what you're saying

                    I have seen banned members on a business forum reinvent themselves a few times before they (surely!) must get bored and clear off - bizarre

                    As to repeat questions, to a newbie it is the first time he/she will have asked it - and yes, maybe they should crack on and use the search more, but we are in a fast world now and people in general are lazy in that they want answers quickly.

                    I blame Bill Gates


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                      Dammit............have I missed summat???????
                      You and me both Snadge - typical!
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                        Dammit............have I missed summat???????
                        I haven't logged on the forum for a while and it looks as if I missed whatever's happened too!

                        I've always found that the forum is great place - people on here are always so helpful and generous. I don't keep chooks any more but sometimes have a little look to see what's happening on that thread. Don't have too much time (who has nowadays!) but throw in a comment every now and then.

                        Sad really that some people try and spoil sites like this. Keep throwing out the bad grapes
                        Forbidden Fruits make many Jams.


                        • #13
                          I think this is a great forum, very friendly, as for the search button I do use it but I do find it confusing, if you type in parsnips or whatever, it comes up with every post that has that word in. You might want to know how to make parsnip wine, you dont want every single post that doesnt mean anything. I know two sheds will come along and tell us how to use it properly.
                          Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                          and ends with backache


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
                            You and me both Snadge - typical!
                            Me too - had a very busy weekend with family so haven't been on. Have to say I like the forum as it is - and the mods do a great job.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jackie j View Post
                              as for the search button I ... find it confusing, if you type in parsnips or whatever, it comes up with every post that has that word in.
                              OK, none taken!

                              As for parsnips. You need to narrow your search down a bit. Go on Advanced Search, click TITLES (not posts).
                              Type parsnips in the box. You will then only get threads that have 'parsnips' as the title.

                              You can narrow your search down further if you want. Use the + button: type in 'parsnips + germinate' for instance, or maybe 'parsnips + wine'
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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