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Some folks will steal anything!!


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  • Some folks will steal anything!!

    We got up the yesterday to find one of our bins laying down and a glass lantern smashed at the front of the house, as it had been very windy and wet we thought it must have been the wind, however Mr D spotted something today thats made us wonder!

    At the front of our house we have a small 4roof that stands over the front door, gives a bit of protection when you are opening the door if its wet, its only abut 4' by 3' and just juts out from the wall, so nothing special. It was covered with lead, but now its not got its lead on it!

    From looking down the road it appears that some kind soul has decided to remove all of them from the houses hereabouts, we've contacted the police, but they dont hold out much hope of catching anyone!

    I've heard of folks nicking the lead from church rooves, but to risk getting caught for such a small piece of lead? Well, I just cant credit it!

    Lee and a friend will now be covering it with a felt material one day next week (when its dry, hopefully), but tbh we could do without the extra work!
    Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

    'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

    The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
    Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
    Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
    On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences

  • #2
    Neighbours of ours are having work done and the lead was cut along the wall someone knew what they were doing as its hard to cut it, such a small amount too this was about a month or so ago. then last week they had copper piping pinched from the back garden that the builders left out.
    Hope they get found out.
    Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
    and ends with backache


    • #3
      Scrap metal prices are very good at the moment. I took a van load of mixed steel down a few weeks back and got �120! Now you think about valuable metals....... worth nicking no matter how small

      Police won't want to know as there isn't really anything ��� in it for them unlike speeding fines, etc...
      All vehicles now running 100% biodiesel...
      For a cleaner, greener future!


      • #4
        My friend had hers nicked while she was actually in, apparently they did the whole road

        Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

        Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


        • #5
          I've heard of this happening locally as well. Thankfully, I haven't got a porch or lean to on the house I am buying!

          Thieving toerags will steal owt nowadays!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • #6
            Blimey thanks for the tip, we have lead on our porch roof which is (reasonably) accessable from the road!
            I would not have thought people would steal that sort of thing, but you live and learn!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Snadger View Post
              I've heard of this happening locally as well. Thankfully, I haven't got a porch or lean to on the house I am buying!
              You moving house Snadge?
              Bernie aka DDL

              Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


              • #8
                I can't believe that Mrs D., it's awful, just hope they don't make their way over the canal to start doing it around us, we haven't got any for them to pinch though! I've heard of manhole covers being stolen from the roads etc. but the police should really tackle the scrap yards who are buying this stuff off the thieves (or stealing it themselves), people really will steal anything nowadays - even if it is nailed down!
                Into every life a little rain must fall.


                • #9
                  yes, scrap metal prices are sky high, my family have dealt in scrap, and it is not the yard owners that the police should tackle- it is the people who steal it. the scrap yards are doing everything they can do, but they can hardly go around following everyone who brings in metal, can they? most scrap metal merchants are respectable businessmen - they dont go around stealing metal- they dont have time! ( and they dont need to - most of them are wealthy already.) the type of people who steal lead off roofs are ussually little thugs with a drug problem to support.


                  • #10
                    Not good Mrs D. As you say, it hardly seems worth it when its such a small area, but I guess if you say they had done the whole street there's probably enough for a few wraps or whatever their preferred poison happens to be.
                    Bob Leponge
                    Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by matthew2riches View Post
                      Scrap metal prices are very good at the moment. I took a van load of mixed steel down a few weeks back and got �120! Now you think about valuable metals....... worth nicking no matter how small

                      Police won't want to know as there isn't really anything ��� in it for them unlike speeding fines, etc...
                      The reason the police aren't interested has nothing to do with money. It has everything to do with results. Even in the unlikely event of finding the criminals, they would find a clever lawyer who claimed they had a mental health problem, so the CPS would drop the case.
                      Would YOU bother with that sort of follow-up?
                      Speeding (or otherwise illegal) drivers are the easiest of law-breakers to get a conviction; with the targets set, of course the police are going to go after those!
                      Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                      • #12
                        There was a spate of lead nicking around us a couple of years ago now, also livestock & veg etc off peoples allotments. When a set of gypsy's left the area it all stopped. They returned last summer and it all started again...I'm not saying all gypsy's are thieving sod's but it's a very funny coincidence...wouldn't ya say?


                        • #13
                          i was always told that when "gypsies" are in the area, every "local" thief gets busy. we had a lot of lead stolen in this town a year or so ago- was it gypsies? no- the local rough-os (they were druggise as well, and known to social services too) from the council estate got prosecuted. and i dont think that means every person to live on an ex council estate is a thief, i am just making a point. however, back to the original post; i am very sorry to hear that your lead got nicked.


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