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Why wont he listen and realise i know best


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  • Why wont he listen and realise i know best

    Well, as usually Oh thought he knew better on this point.

    I had some things that needed putting up into the attic. They have sat there for about 2 - 3 weeks now.

    Oh was off work on Monday and Tuesday and didnt think about doing it then (nor any weekend he was off since the stuff was ready)

    So, yesterday evening, he said "Oh i'll get that stuff up into the attic for you before i go back to work tomorrow"

    I wasnt expecting him to go do it then, as he usually says something like this and it could be weeks before he actually does it.

    I was brushing the kitchen floor and shouted down to him that i would hold the ladder for him and to let me know when he was gonna do it....

    Next thing i hear is a huge crash from the ladders.

    I ran out of the kitchen, saw the ladders on the floor, but NO OH!

    I walkied down calling answer>

    As i got right down, there he was lying on the floor of sons bedroom, on his side and not moving. His head was on a huge Sponge bob Square pants soft toy thing that son has.....It was lucky that was on the floor at that time, otherwise .....well i wont think about that.
    He then said as i got to him "I'm OK" but he still didnt move. He then turned over onto his back slowly and lay there for a while before eventually getting up:

    His shin is scratched, both arms have long scrapes down them where he had tried to save himself. His shouder, side and neck are all sore.

    He sat in the kitchen while i checked him out....he kept saying he was fine...BUT his colour wasnt.

    Before he went to the kitchen he thought it was a good idea to go show both sons his "Warrior injuries" not thinking (being the correct words here) that they would be worried. The arms look awful, not bleeding as such but with huge scrapes and blood showing(IYSWIM)

    I kept an eye on him. He was looking very pale and said he felt giddy and thought shock was setting in.

    Well he is fine but very sore.

    The thing is...

    when we moved here last year, the same thing happened.

    I told him at the time to put my step exerciser thing at the bottom of the ladder as it was very heavy and the hall is all stone tiles.

    He said "why use serves no purpose, in fact it is quite cumbersome" This phrase, i am gonna put it on the entrance to the attic to remind the silly sod!!

    Well, he went up the ladder without it and had a similar fall, except last time he scraped his belly and arms but landed on his feet.

    This time he fell off with one foot in the attic , so it was straight down on his side

    Honestly why does he NOT listen and think he knows best.

    That phrase is gonna stay with me. I got such a shock finding him laying on the floor not moving. I was crying. After finding out that he was alive and fine, i let him know what a numpty he was for not listening to me, which he had to agree with

    I may as well tell you this too

    My Oh was always very sporty. He played American football for a lot of years and got lots of injuries.
    About a few years ago, his left leg was swollen around the knee. He kept saying it was probably to do with all the sport he had played.
    So, he went to hospital to get it checked. In the end it turned out he has "HOUSEMAIDS KNEE"..................well we never laughed so much. He was expecting some macho ailment. Anyone that knows him laughed too.....He prefers to use the latin term for it as he is too embarrassed to say that

    Anyway, thank goodness he is ok. I wish he would go get his shoulder and side checked out, but he wont. He is very stiff and sore this morning.

    Why does common sense go out the window when he is doing a "Mans job" in his words. Bless him, he gets all Macho about certain things and always ends up either injured or making a fool of himself. I could write a book about him.

    I want to say to him "for goodness sake your are not as young, fit or agile as you used to be", but i know that will dent his macho ego and he will get down about that, so instead i said to him that he has to keep himself safe as we have 2 young sons that need him..................that he can handle.

    Anyone else got a silly Oh like that?

    If someone has lost their smile, give them one of yours. :

    Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said

    God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done

  • #2
    Not so accident prone, but if I ask for something to be done/moved/helped with I either get no reply, or he will have a cuppa and a fag first or he will go looking for said job a month which time I have already done it!! And 'his' way usually ends up taking 3 times longer than my way.

    Honestly - if I want it doing later/never I would ask later/never!!
    I decorated our spare room balancing on one leg (due to injured foot) cos it never would have got done othewise

    God love 'em...wouldn't swap him for the world though
    Kirsty b xx


    • #3
      My late OH was an accident seeking missile sometimes, VM! Mind you - he used to say the same thing about me!
      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


      • #4
        Poor you, no I just have a very lazy OH who has had 7 long weekends off and has done absolutly zilch, he started decorating the front spare bedroom over a year ago, we cant use the room. He never finishes any job he starts.
        It might be worth investing in a proper loft ladder we have one and they are so worth it, I can get into the loft with no problems.
        Hope he is ok and the bruises will heal.
        Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
        and ends with backache


        • #5
          Jackie, yes, i think i may look into a proper loft ladder. That will mean i will be able to do things myself without having to rely on Oh. I would have done the spare room myself. That would really p** me off if my Oh started something a year ago and hadnt finished it..... I'd have had to do it.

          Michael McIntyre is very funny when he talks about men and putting things in the'd think he was talking about my Oh

          Kirsty, sorry but you made me laugh......poor you having to decorate with an injured foot.

          No offense to MEN, but they just think differently to us...wont say anymore than that.

          If someone has lost their smile, give them one of yours. :

          Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said

          God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done


          • #6
            Well the "Patient" has had to take the day off work and is now sitting on his laptop, replying to emails from his friends having a good laugh about what happened

            So, it seems he is fine apart from the injuries. I actually stayed awake last night when he went off to sleep to make sure he was ok...hahahahahaha.

            Silly old me too. I was just worried he was hurt more than he told me because he wouldnt want to worry me.

            Right, lets see if i can find something for him to do while he is resting I am sure i have the socks that need sorting out.

            If someone has lost their smile, give them one of yours. :

            Children seldom misquote you. In fact they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said

            God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done


            • #7
              Thank goodness he is ok. You must have been very worried about him.
              When i had another half I used to find this trick was the only thing that worked to get him to do anything. I would say something along the lines of 'I am going to fit that carpet today, can I use your hammer?' He would miraculously find that the betting shop wasn't so appealing that day and stay home and 'help' me fit the carpet.
              This also worked with decorating - 'can I use your stepladders?' Fitting curtain rails - 'can I use your electric drill?' and so on.

              �If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�

              "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

              Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal


              • #8
                Give him some Xmas cards to write!!!!...he'll soon get better!!!

                ...G4 has most probably got plenty spare!!!

                Glad he's OK though- I'd have been very worried too x
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #9
                  My OH used to bar me from using the ladder. HE was the one who was afraid of heights!
                  Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                  • #10
                    Glad he's O.K. Veggiemama, good job Sponge Bob was lying there or it could have been worse.
                    I have an O.H. who is a similarly typical man, will climb on the bannisters rather than get the ladder out, never reads instructions how to do things & is always going to do 'that job' next week!
                    Having said that though I'm the one who fell off a chair & badly bruised my hip & leg when I was standing on it instead of the small step ladder to reach a spot on the ceiling with a paintroller in the bathroom over the toilet! Could have been worse if I'd cracked my head on the toilet & the O.H. did come rushing upstairs to check I was alright when he heard the bang!
                    Into every life a little rain must fall.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Veggiemama View Post
                      Well, as usually Oh thought he knew better on this point.

                      I had some things that needed putting up into the attic. They have sat there for about 2 - 3 weeks now.

                      Oh was off work on Monday and Tuesday and didnt think about doing it then (nor any weekend he was off since the stuff was ready)

                      The thing is...

                      Honestly why does he NOT listen and think he knows best.

                      Why does common sense go out the window when he is doing a "Mans job" in his words. Anyone else got a silly Oh like that?
                      (excuse me for deleting some of your post - I guessed most people had read it and didnt want to again.)
                      Oh yes!!

                      I dread him having his annual 3 week summer holiday!! I make plans to do things eg paint the outside window ledges....he spends the whole day (whilst I am at work) playing on the computer! I come home, he quickly grabs a cloth/paintbrush etc and pretends he's been getting ready.

                      Originally posted by kirsty b View Post
                      Not so accident prone, but if I ask for something to be done/moved/helped with I either get no reply, or he will have a cuppa and a fag first or he will go looking for said job a month which time I have already done it!! And 'his' way usually ends up taking 3 times longer than my way.
                      Are mine and yours related do you think??

                      Originally posted by jackie j View Post
                      Poor you, no I just have a very lazy OH who has had 7 long weekends off and has done absolutly zilch, he started decorating the front spare bedroom over a year ago, we cant use the room. He never finishes any job he starts.
                      Yep sounds like mine too!!

                      Do you think we should start a "useless" OH club on the vine, ladies, so we can all get it off our chests every now and again?
                      Last edited by northepaul; 28-07-2010, 12:00 PM.


                      • #12
                        Oh well mine is a hoarder who never puts anything anything away.

                        Case in point
                        Him:have you seen that number I wrote down on that bit of paper
                        Me: what bit of paper
                        Him : the one that is in the spare room

                        Now at this point I must explain that the spare room is full of bits of paper that have been there for centuries .... I usually leave them 3 months and then chuck them out ooops.

                        He also always accepts "useful" things from his mum that " might come in handy one day". Bascially I have a house full of rubbish that I don't want..... old sewing machines, bit's of old greenhouse frame, fishing rods etc. I'm sure she just uses us as an unofficial dump.

                        He is lovely though
                        So long and thanks for all the fish....



                        • #13
                          My wife has a silly OH like that. Barring scars that other people have put there for me, I carry the amount of 37 different scars (the criteria being more than 1/2 inch long!). I have about 7 others (gunshot, knife wounds etc- please don't ask). It has got to the point if anyone turns to say I'm in hospital, my wife's response is usually "What HAS he done THIS time?"

                          "Raised to a state of heavenly lunacy where I just can't be touched!"


                          • #14
                            We have one serious area of 'dispute', and that is putting things away.
                            Now I recently realised that I can be a bit obsessive (leads to problems from time to time, just didn't realise that was what was causing it) and I long ago taught myself to 'handle' certain aspects of this by, if I can't do something RIGHT I don't do it at all (yeah, it doesn't make sense, but we all have our funny little ways of not making sense).
                            My idea of tidy is things in the RIGHT PLACE. His idea of tidy is 'everything in a cupboard and out of sight'.
                            Life can get exciting, in addition to the house being a tip, because there don't seem to be enough 'away' places for everything anyway.
                            Oh well, I am sure he finds me as trying as I find him.....
                            Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                            • #15
                              My OH is a b*gger for doing half a job...

                              Example: He tidied the kitchen, but didn't put any of the dirty pots in the dishwasher. Instead, he stacked them up neatly on the worktop above the dishwasher.

                              Me: Please could you put those in the dishwasher?
                              Him: But there is stuff in there already!
                              Me: Is it clean or dirty?
                              Him: Dunno
                              Me: You could check, and then switch it on, or empty and restack it, couldn't you?
                              Him: You're always nagging me! I've gone and tidied the kitchen - look!

                              So, although he tidied the rest of the kitchen, I ended up emptying the clean dishwasher, and restacking it to finish the job off


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