my town council owns acres and acres of fields on the edges of towns. they just do nothing with them, and i think it would be good practice to put in place schemes where people actually get involved in building thier own homes, as i see some councils do. i am not a fan of housing asc. because a) they charge high rents for fairly cheap build houses, all squashed together, and b) the part own/part buy schemes are not very fair to the occupier. therefore i think the decision of building of homes should be with the town councils, and for local people only. i am not against building on green belt lands either, let alone brown belt, but it should be done in low impact areas, along the lines of building a new town, not just packed together tacky housing estates. ( the ones which were recently built in our town are so packed together, with the front doors straight onto narrowwer than average pavements, no grass verges, very little parking, a small back yard about 8x10 foot, a lot of rabbit warren flats, with out any greenery around, and no space for planting shrubs or trees, yet they put doric columns at the sides of the doors!!! give it 10 years, and it will be a slum, and look like one too. and when the council offered them to people, they refused to take them, so they all went ot outsiders. ( and i dont balame the people who turned them down- they were alwful) i think i would like to see something along the lines of the housing projects after the war, whereby new towns were created ; milton keynes etc.
i guess i'm a bit overly optimistic, but i think everyone should have a house that is detatched, or at least soundproofed, with a garden big enough to have a veg patch, and for the kids to play, and its own driveway. i dont see why if your are of a low income, you should have to live like a rabbit in a rabbit hutch. to my thinking overcrowding is a recipe for trouble and arguments later on. if people were involved right from the start, and had a say in what they wanted, they would take pride in thier homes, and responsibility, and that leads to pride and resposibility for thier lives as well- ie getting back to work, or whatever, depending on thier situations.
i guess i'm a bit overly optimistic, but i think everyone should have a house that is detatched, or at least soundproofed, with a garden big enough to have a veg patch, and for the kids to play, and its own driveway. i dont see why if your are of a low income, you should have to live like a rabbit in a rabbit hutch. to my thinking overcrowding is a recipe for trouble and arguments later on. if people were involved right from the start, and had a say in what they wanted, they would take pride in thier homes, and responsibility, and that leads to pride and resposibility for thier lives as well- ie getting back to work, or whatever, depending on thier situations.