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kenwood mixer or kitchen aid mixer


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  • kenwood mixer or kitchen aid mixer

    Looking to buy a mixer for my new kitchen as I love baking but with a dodgy arm now want something to help me with my cakes, no before you ask can't ask him indoors to help do the mixing for two reasons, one he eats most of the mixture off the spoon, and two the rest of the mixture that doesn't go in his cake hole gets glued to the surfaces in the kitchen!!
    So peeps if you have either a kenwood or a kitchen aid could you tell me the pros and cons and what you would recommend or any alternatives.
    Thank you. Miffy
    When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown

  • #2
    Kenwood are work horses and i've not heard a bad word said about them and they seem to last forever. But there ugly!!

    I've got a kitchen Aid its red i love it! i'm shallow.

    Its brillant as far as i'm concerned it whisks up egg whites far better than me, creams butter sugar fine and i can buy and icecream maker bit if i ever want to plus all the other attactments. Did i mention it was red!
    Growing vegetables and flowers to share.


    • #3
      I'd go for a Kenwood every time, bought my first one second hand 25 year ago and when it started acting up last month I replaced it with another second hand one for �20
      Location....East Midlands.


      • #4
        I am a newish kenwood convert. Its a treasure, cost �40 off ebay, you can buy any spares, bowls etc and if your worried about its rugged looks, buy a cover.

        My model is an a901 but there are s few models to choose from.


        • #5
          Originally posted by smallfrog View Post
          Kenwood are work horses and i've not heard a bad word said about them and they seem to last forever. But there ugly!!
          Take that back, my Prospero is B.E.A-utiful!

          I bought this about 3 weeks ago:

          ...and I've used it for practically every meal since! From making thin-sliced courgettes quickly (and I've had to do plenty of that recently!) to grating large amounts of cheese, making breadcrumb toppings, and last night I used it to mix up some beef and courgette burgers using the dough hook.

          I'd wanted something like this for ages, Tesco had �20 off so I got it for �145 after calling my Mum and getting her to convince me I needed it (didn't really take much!)
          Current Executive Board Members at Ollietopia Inc:
          Snadger - Director of Poetry
          RedThorn - Chief Interrobang Officer
          Pumpkin Becki - Head of Dremel Multi-Tool Sales & Marketing and Management Support
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          WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.


          • #6
            Originally posted by OllieMartin View Post
            Take that back, my Prospero is B.E.A-utiful!
            Nope :O)

            All though look at all the chopping bits and pieces. Mine just does mixing cakey stuff at the mo. Need a food processor for winter soups.

            Maybe another little red number
            Last edited by SarzWix; 08-08-2010, 11:38 AM. Reason: mending quotes
            Growing vegetables and flowers to share.


            • #7
              Originally posted by smallfrog View Post
              Nope :O)
              Maybe I'm just bias, like those mothers who post their ugly babies into the beautiful baby competitions!
              Last edited by OllieMartin; 07-08-2010, 09:29 AM.
              Current Executive Board Members at Ollietopia Inc:
              Snadger - Director of Poetry
              RedThorn - Chief Interrobang Officer
              Pumpkin Becki - Head of Dremel Multi-Tool Sales & Marketing and Management Support
              Jeanied - Olliecentric Eulogy Minister
              piskieinboots - Ambassador of 2-word Media Reviews

              WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.


              • #8
                Wow Ollie you get tonnes of things with that one and it looks chunky and kinda cute like a chunky little kid!!
                When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


                • #9
                  Here ya go Miffy;


                  That'll keep ya busy for an hour or so!
                  All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                  Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                  • #10
                    Well, I have a Kitchen Aid, and would not swap with a Kenwood.

                    To my taste the Kenwood is really rather ugly, but as long as it performs.

                    If it performs all the tasks you want it to, well, you makes your choice.

                    I can only speak for what I have, and I would thoroughly recommend the Kitchen Aid.



                    • #11
                      My kitchen aid is soo pretty - I have a cream one. Only two blades - a dough hook and a whisk - so it only does a limited range of things - but it is beautiful and I love using it!
                      (I have a magimix hidden in the cupboard too.)
                      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                      • #12
                        In fairness I hadn't seen what the kitchen aid looks like. It is a lot prettier than the Kenwood, but then they do appear to be a lot more expensive for a lot less functionality.

                        Tell me I'm wrong reverers.
                        Current Executive Board Members at Ollietopia Inc:
                        Snadger - Director of Poetry
                        RedThorn - Chief Interrobang Officer
                        Pumpkin Becki - Head of Dremel Multi-Tool Sales & Marketing and Management Support
                        Jeanied - Olliecentric Eulogy Minister
                        piskieinboots - Ambassador of 2-word Media Reviews

                        WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.


                        • #13
                          If you're seduced by looks buy yourself an old Kenwood 700D dey is de beez kneez!

                          Kenwood Chef Restoration, service repair, Shop on Line, Spares, Attachments
                          To see a world in a grain of sand
                          And a heaven in a wild flower


                          • #14
                            I love my Kenwood...not enough to have her on display...but then I'd rather have the worktop space anyways.
                            I got it as an engagment pressie eleven years ago and...touch's going as strong now as it was then.
                            the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                            Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                            • #15
                              My Kenwood gets used most days so it lives on the worktop
                              Location....East Midlands.


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