Originally posted by Glutton4...
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I'm a broken woman
In spite, or because of, my ample chest I've always had a pretty good posture due to my Pa making me 'stand tall and be proud of 'em lass' when I was developingBless him
When I do the Wii Fit test of core stability I'm always spot in the middle - much to Snowdrop's annoyance - hehe
I also firming believe in core work, (thanks for the link TS, interesting reading) - and I agree, if not done properly, as with any exercise, it could cause issues. At the moment, I'm limiting it to squats, lunges, abs straight and oblique, I also sit on a gym ball - any other ideas I can incorporate?
G4, my ampleness is seriously trapped underneath a Freya, which defies anything to move in any way shape or form - much kinder on the traffic!!
TS, when you do plan to resume? I'm hoping for a short stint next week - in the meantime I'm using my cross-trainer to keep me movingaka
I've got a knackered back, but used to run long distance (c 10 miles to marathon) I would say stick to smooth, level or gently sloped ground for a few weeks, till your leg and back muscles adjust. If you need to..try halving your programme for a few weeks, again to allow all to settle.
If you are...ahem...large on top...then get a really good support system in place as the bounce can cause back pain. You run crooked in an effort to minimise the bounce, even if you don't realise that you are.
Other than that..have fun.Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door
I can thoroughly recommend chinese massage / acupuncture for; what I found was, pretty much instant relief when I twisted a coupe of vertebrae.
I can't run, not without knees knocking together and then cricking my ankle after 5 mins (eplilectic(sp) spider is the nicest comparison I've had) but I don't think I'm envious either
Originally posted by piskieinboots View PostAfter a week of 'rest' as in just cross trainer work and no running my back is almost back to normal - so early next week will see me resuming the C25K fron WK1, fingers crossed
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