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hi so nervous


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  • hi so nervous

    hi im katie glad to part of this site.
    Me and dear huband are looking at buying a new house which has 1/2 acre plot which backs on to 100s of allotments ,so really good soil im very new to the garden and veg growing thing but cant wait to start,i have got every issue of grow your own mag ive got issue 1 saw it in waitroses and fell in love with the gyo look on life,with two young kids i think its important to keep sometimes a normal life in order not all computer games sat in side etc....

    im going to have to wait a few weeks for the yes or no on the house so very nervous about it

    thanks for reading love katie (24yrs old)

  • #2
    Hello Katie, welcome to the Grapevine. I would love to have half an acre, I live in a rented cottage which has virtually no front garden, and the back although bigger is not really up for converting into a veg garden (The landlord wouldn't like it). I've now got an allotment about five minutes walk from my home, so I'm using that for veg growing, and just working on getting the back garden looking better than it was when I moved in.

    How old are the children? I have grandchildren and find they really love growing their own things. Anything from mustard and cress on kitchen towels to planting their own sweetcorn and peas on the lottie.


    • #3
      Welcome Katie,

      It's dead scary waiting for a yes or no on the property of your dreams, and I shall keep everything crossed for you. Let us know the outcome will you?


      • #4
        Hi Katie and welcome to the vine.

        I am new to veg growing and am doing my experiementing in the back garden of my terraced house. It is great fun and the trial and error last year brought many fun moments. My biggest success was spuds grown in buckets - most other stuff got eaten by smaller critters than the family. Lots of learning done though and hope to beat the bugs to it this year! Getting the kids (16 and 11) more involved this year and they are growing their favourite veg.

        Hope all goes well with the house purchase - just try to keep your sense of humour through it.
        Happy Gardening,


        • #5
          Hi Katie, and a warm welcome to the madhouse often reffered to as the grapevine!

          Your (hopefully) new home sounds great, I really really hope you get it, tho I do know the wait can be very frustrating!

          If you do get it, then we will expect lots of piccies, both before and after, of the house AND garden / veg plot! It sounds ideal to have your own land right next to a big allotment, both the security of your own space AND the community spirit and advice that comes with having a plot!

          Good luck with the house, and hopefully with the GYOing too!

          Oh, and hope you enjoy the vine as much as the rest of us grapes do!
          Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

          'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

          The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
          Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
          Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
          On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


          • #6
            Hi Katie,

            Welcome to the Vine. Hope all goes well but if it doesn't by a different house & put in for one of the lottie plots

            We look forward to hearing from you soon
            Never be afraid to try something new.
            Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
            A large group of professionals built the Titanic


            • #7
              Hi Katie - welcome to the Vine.

              1/2 an acre - wow

              My advice would be to do something easy and almost guaranteed to be successful to give you and the kids something to put a smile on your faces

              I'd suggest spuds. Bushy above ground and a real wow factor for the kids, and the big kids when you start unearthing them.
              The law will hang the man or woman
              Who steals the goose from off the common
              But lets the greater thief go loose
              Who steals the common from the goose


              • #8
                hi its katie

                i have two girls one is called Lillybeth and shes nearly 3 and i have daisy who is 7 months old !!!

                quite a hand full as lilly is deaf so shes very hands on shes so lovely and she loves the garden and walking with are puppy nina who is a choc lab !!!

                im so nervous about this house just really hope we get it !!!

                have a good evening love katie

                How old are your grandchildren ?


                • #9
                  Hello Katy
                  Nice to meet you. Glad you were able to join us on the vine and hope you enjoy yourself here. You'l find plenty of support for all sorts of things, so please keep in touch no matter what. Hope things go well with your new house and your growing plans.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by katie View Post
                    i have two girls one is called Lillybeth and shes nearly 3 and i have daisy who is 7 months old !!!

                    quite a hand full as lilly is deaf so shes very hands on shes so lovely and she loves the garden and walking with are puppy nina who is a choc lab !!!

                    im so nervous about this house just really hope we get it !!!

                    have a good evening love katie

                    How old are your grandchildren ?

                    Aawww, I am really sorry to hear that .... a chocolate Labrador .... Couldn't you get a proper dog like a spaniel then

                    Only Joking .... we do quite a bit of that on here - well I do anyway. You'll certainly have your handsful with a pup & a baby !! Our Pup has put me off babies for life ..... just as well considering the operation I had a few years ago !

                    Don't feel shy about asking questions no matter how daft you may think they are.

                    If you ask a question you appear to be foolish for a minute, if you don't ask you're foolish for life
                    Last edited by nick the grief; 26-02-2007, 08:22 PM.
                    Never be afraid to try something new.
                    Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                    A large group of professionals built the Titanic


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