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Family tree


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  • #16
    I couldnt find anything further back than great grandmother on my mother's maternal side - there was a lot of speculation about her being a native american....(sounded interesting and one of the reasons I started trying to find out.) On my mother's paternal side, my great grandmother was one of 20 children () most of whom went to Canada, hence how I found one of my cousins.
    My Dad's side had already been done by my Dad, and goes back on his paternal side to the 1600s. The other side he never really looked into, and it was hard to substantiate alot of what I was told by relatives.
    See how complicated it is!


    • #17
      I thought you were on about fruit trees then, was a bit confused when you mentioned geneology!


      • #18
        Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
        I thought you were on about fruit trees then, was a bit confused when you mentioned geneology!
        I cant imagine you being confused
        You have to loose sight of the shore sometimes to cross new oceans

        I would be a perfectionist, but I dont have the time


        • #19
          My OH has done most of the research. I'm interested, but not enough so to make the effort. I do have a tree on Genes Reunited, but very incomplete. OH has put about everything he can find on a website, with chatty bits about different sections of the family. I recently got a contact from Genes Reunited from someone whose GGGfather was the younger brother of my GGGfather. It was good being able to pass on the further back info we've got.
          Interestingly, part of my family were in Portsea in the early 1800s, another part moved from IoW to Southhampton at a similar date, but they were living in London when the 2 lines joined.
          Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


          • #20
            me too; have been researching off and on for years. i have found b.g. forums very useful and interesting. but as others have said, check everything, ditto, on i think o.p. is doing really well to have got back to 1400s; i can only get back as far as 1670s. one thing i find frustrating is that even when you get the dates and names, it doesnt always tally with the personality of the person you are researching..and i get quite frustrated that mine were such a boring lot! ( although family stories state otherwise!) so i am quite jeolous when i read posts on forums whose ancestors were theatrical players, or explorers, highwaymen etc.etc.!


            • #21
              I've found loads of relatives that I didn't know existed including a half sister for my mum and a load of cousins etc plus some more distant ones. Got my mum's family back to about 1500 and a reasonable distance back on my dad's which was harder as it was a more common name. Got asked to look into OH's family as they had loads of interesting links but they ALL turned out to be wrong and the figment of various people's imagination. However, dispite blantant written proof (marriage certs) that the stories aren't true, half his family refuse to believe it as the truth isn't so intersting for them and means they're not related to a famous actor!

              I've used a lot, find my past a bit and various other sites as well as picking the brains of anybody alive and then checking out what they say.

              Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

              Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


              • #22
                Have you looked at the Mormon site I found it invaluable

       - Family History and Genealogy Records

                Happy hunting...


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