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and the doh! of the day is....


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  • and the doh! of the day is....

    I've seed saving this week, have 5 varities on the go, I've done Green Velvet and Emerald Evergreen, Black Cherry, Black truffle, and another one [I've only just realised I can't remember which one it is...damn]
    So I put them in water, wash all the gunk off, put in one of those tea sieves, dry them, then I very carefully put them on sqaures of sticky paper with the name on the top to finish drying properly before I pack and label them.
    Unfortunately, it was very warm last night, so I opened the windows...and wind being wind, it was windy, and the paper stayed where it was stuck, but the seeds decided to fly around everywhere....

    and you think anyone will fancy a pot luck seed bag that could be either emerald evergreen or green velvet?


  • #2
    Lucky dips can be more pleasurable than knowing what you have.
    sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


    • #3

      If they are both green toms and don't change colour and are both determinate or indeterminate then maybe...I suppose as long as you put on the packet that it's pot luck people will take them if they see fit.


      • #4
        well that's the thing too.
        I've got two labelled up as green velvet. This year I was extremely careful about labelling after last years debacle.
        It's possible I made a mistake, but the thing is, one of the Green Velvets is red, the other is orange. I've never grown this before so I have no idea what colour they should be finally but I'm guessing it's not red....
        I haven't got any other red beefsteaks on the go, only black,white, and in the case of the Emerald Evergreen, yellow.
        Pot luck it is though...better get some more info from the giftee of seeds
        Last edited by taff; 28-08-2010, 07:15 PM.


        • #5
          Tanager Song Organic Heirloom Seeds
          Last edited by zazen999; 28-08-2010, 07:21 PM.


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