Well, its official. Iwade Allotment Society now has a place to call home, after about 4 years hard work and a number of disappointments.
At the moment the allotment site is masquerading as a field, complete with horses, but within a couple of weeks the stock proof fence will go up, then the plough will turn over clay soil that has been down to pasture for as long as anyone remembers. The plan is water will be laid to the site, and then the plots will be marked out.
The initial allotment tenancy rules have been written and potential plot holders contacted. Yes, I did say I didn't think they could ban hens, but I was overridden, and as I haven't time to look after any at the moment, I wasn't going to argue too much, although I was disappointed about the bees.
We are all excited and desperate to plan for the growing, but that's still a long way off. We have to find money to put in some hard standing for a car park, as there is no parking available in the roads around about, as well as the cash to pay the farmer back for the fencing and for rabbit proofing too. Once we are up and running us current comittee holders are hoping some of the new enthusiastic types will take over.
In the meantime we have found a 'funding buddy', who is going to help us find pots of money all over the place, and businesses just dying to donate just about everything we need.
OH was ready to go out and buy my shed with a 15% discount voucher he had, but as I pointed out, storage would be a bit of an issue for quite a while. Besides, if a new one is on offer I want to make sure I get just the one I want
At the moment the allotment site is masquerading as a field, complete with horses, but within a couple of weeks the stock proof fence will go up, then the plough will turn over clay soil that has been down to pasture for as long as anyone remembers. The plan is water will be laid to the site, and then the plots will be marked out.
The initial allotment tenancy rules have been written and potential plot holders contacted. Yes, I did say I didn't think they could ban hens, but I was overridden, and as I haven't time to look after any at the moment, I wasn't going to argue too much, although I was disappointed about the bees.
We are all excited and desperate to plan for the growing, but that's still a long way off. We have to find money to put in some hard standing for a car park, as there is no parking available in the roads around about, as well as the cash to pay the farmer back for the fencing and for rabbit proofing too. Once we are up and running us current comittee holders are hoping some of the new enthusiastic types will take over.

In the meantime we have found a 'funding buddy', who is going to help us find pots of money all over the place, and businesses just dying to donate just about everything we need.

OH was ready to go out and buy my shed with a 15% discount voucher he had, but as I pointed out, storage would be a bit of an issue for quite a while. Besides, if a new one is on offer I want to make sure I get just the one I want
