Or if you're prone to insomnia, or headaches after too long at the computer, this might be worth a try:
F.lux: software to make your life better
It's a program that automatically 'dims the lights' of your computer as the sun sets. It mostly gets great reviews, and having installed it myself I have to agree. When it kicked in, I could feel my eyes 'relax' immediately.
It's downfalls are where you need 'true' colours, like photo editing, and also if you like full-on gaming - some of the high end graphics cards get a bit of 'stutter'. But it does have a 'temporary disable' function.
Highly recommended by me
F.lux: software to make your life better
It's a program that automatically 'dims the lights' of your computer as the sun sets. It mostly gets great reviews, and having installed it myself I have to agree. When it kicked in, I could feel my eyes 'relax' immediately.
It's downfalls are where you need 'true' colours, like photo editing, and also if you like full-on gaming - some of the high end graphics cards get a bit of 'stutter'. But it does have a 'temporary disable' function.
Highly recommended by me