I know its probally a bit late in the car boot sale season to be starting this thread but hey if it gets alot of interest I can always "resurrect" it next year eh!
I seem to be getting lost in a pile of grown out of but perfectly fine baby girl clothes as well as several items of boys clothes as long as bashfull doesnt take the knees or sleeves out!
I have been doing the odd car boot sale since June and must admit I quite enjoy them especialy when Mother Nature doesnt go out of her way to freeze me to death! 
I was taking the time to also list on EBAY as they had offered 100 free listings per month. Oh the time I spent on my ancient pc - getting more and more frustrated as space kept disappearing at a rate of knots and I still had masses to list. I had enlisted the help of the bulk upload program; turbo lister and this in itself created houts of insurmountable problems in between two girls who quite rightly belive my world should (and does really) revolve around them. Well I finaly thought I was getting there when I went to re-list my unsold 130 odd items and EBAY insisted I upgrade to a business account. Pah - I'm no business I thought but just did as I was told then realised it was a crafty way of stopping me from getting my 100 listings free per month. I have spoken to FEEBAY! since about this and it would seem they have evidence that I am a business *LAUGHS OUT LOUD* and wont revert me back to a personal account. Well after much foot stomping, tutting etc I have settled for the much better "time, money and sanity" way of selling things - that is exclusive car boot sales. After all the �30 I would probaly have spent keeping the listings going, whilst adding new when I sold, can be used to pay for 6 car boot sales (about all I can manage in a month anyways) and I wont have to pay a final valuation fee either!
So I have purchased two clothes rails and I must say they look so much more professional all hung up neatly and not shoved in a box. It will save me a horrendous amount of time that I was spending refolding after every potential customer even had the tiniest rummage! I have been told my clothes should command more money from the new way of presentation so thats good news too. I am behind in getting stuff on hangers and priced up but thats due to my lack of energy the past couple of weeks (thats another story) and I need to mind I have enough energy to actualy do the two at the weekend. The reason I do 2 a weekend is then I dont have to unload and reload the car those extra times.
Would love any tips or advice from other car booters - I am sure there are several of us as us gardners are well known for being frugal with their cash eh!
I seem to be getting lost in a pile of grown out of but perfectly fine baby girl clothes as well as several items of boys clothes as long as bashfull doesnt take the knees or sleeves out!

I was taking the time to also list on EBAY as they had offered 100 free listings per month. Oh the time I spent on my ancient pc - getting more and more frustrated as space kept disappearing at a rate of knots and I still had masses to list. I had enlisted the help of the bulk upload program; turbo lister and this in itself created houts of insurmountable problems in between two girls who quite rightly belive my world should (and does really) revolve around them. Well I finaly thought I was getting there when I went to re-list my unsold 130 odd items and EBAY insisted I upgrade to a business account. Pah - I'm no business I thought but just did as I was told then realised it was a crafty way of stopping me from getting my 100 listings free per month. I have spoken to FEEBAY! since about this and it would seem they have evidence that I am a business *LAUGHS OUT LOUD* and wont revert me back to a personal account. Well after much foot stomping, tutting etc I have settled for the much better "time, money and sanity" way of selling things - that is exclusive car boot sales. After all the �30 I would probaly have spent keeping the listings going, whilst adding new when I sold, can be used to pay for 6 car boot sales (about all I can manage in a month anyways) and I wont have to pay a final valuation fee either!
So I have purchased two clothes rails and I must say they look so much more professional all hung up neatly and not shoved in a box. It will save me a horrendous amount of time that I was spending refolding after every potential customer even had the tiniest rummage! I have been told my clothes should command more money from the new way of presentation so thats good news too. I am behind in getting stuff on hangers and priced up but thats due to my lack of energy the past couple of weeks (thats another story) and I need to mind I have enough energy to actualy do the two at the weekend. The reason I do 2 a weekend is then I dont have to unload and reload the car those extra times.
Would love any tips or advice from other car booters - I am sure there are several of us as us gardners are well known for being frugal with their cash eh!