Docks...........need I say more.......
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Minor Rant Thread part 3
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my upstairs neighbours who were "at it"very loudly last night with the window open .. some people have no shame
my upstairs neighbours who baby woke me up at 5.30am this morning screaming for half an hour.
Letter to the council I think!Gill
So long and thanks for all the fish.........
I have a blog
I'd rather be a comma than a full stop.
Finding a fault in the Jacket that I have bought for my sons wedding, yes I can take it back to Exeter, no we dont have one in stock and no we cant order one as there isnt any in the warehouse. However you can get one from the store where you live but they wont give you a refund you will have to bring it back to us for a refund. So now I am out of pocket by £100 till I can get the refund paid back into my bank account. I was told one had been put back for me, went straight into town only to find one hadnt been put back and luckily they had one on the rail. Also the dress I bought is now reduced by £40 which is more than I spent on shoes and bag grrrrr.Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
and ends with backache
I am one hundred per cent with you on that one TS. While I've been to work all day, come home and cleaned the bathroom, changed the bed, swept the staircase, hoovered the landing and bedrooms, Himself is sitting in his chair looking at the box sending text messages!Granny on the Game in Sheffield
1. Stupid bloody computerised signalling systems on the East Coast Mainline which have a 'software malfunction' near York, just when my eldest is travelling home from Edinburgh to Leeds...
2. And stupid organisers of said day-trip, who obviously couldn't organise a p*ss-up in a brewery, have taken them on said train, instead of re-arranging the journey down the west coast via Carlisle!! So now they're on a train which terminates in Newcastle and have no idea how, or when, they will get to Leeds... If they get put on a coach, there's no way they'll get to Leeds in time for the last train to Skipton, and so I will probably have to drive to Leeds to collect them on my own, and the very thought of it is making me feel sick and panicky.
3. My stupid brain, which goes into panic mode at the thought of driving in Leeds, several years after the event which caused the initial panic/brain melt-down...
Customs Nazis, who say your case has set off the system's explosives detectors. We were taken to one side, everyone else staring at us, while she made a great palaver of going over my suitcase with a wand thingy.
She looked very disappointed to only find smelly shoes, socks and toiletries.
Silly machine didn't even find the tiny camcorder in my bag, nor the "slightly over the regulation size" hairspray, or the cologne I forgot to pack in the stupid plastic bag that cost me a quid and split all over my makeup.Last edited by Two_Sheds; 28-03-2011, 09:27 AM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Campsites that take your online booking and your credit card details, but then email you to say "pitch is not available". This happened twice, so I phoned up to book. She said all pitches are gone.
I said well why do you offer online booking, if customers then have to phone up anyway? She wasn't bothered, they were fully booked every year and really didn't care if the system wasn't working.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
*Wonders* Whether GYO will supply sun glasses to peruse the newly designed forum?My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Grr. Stupid semi-qualified dyslexia testers.
If they would admit the lad's dyslexic the uni would pay for a laptop and the lecturers would give him copies of the notes, instead of expecting him to write them out himself.
Instead the woman has turned round and said she thinks he has "Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome" (which is dyslexia by another name!) and he should go to student services and ask to be given the test for that!
Student Services say he should just go to an optician for testing - and then buy a very expensive pair of coloured glasses... which he'd have to pay for himself because he gets the maximum student loan/grant and the gov'ment say that's above the threshold to qualify for help. :-(
Grr grr grrThe problem with rounded personalities is they don't tesselate.
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