Ah but is that truly organic or is it a highly processsed gloup
I personally grow against my consience for instance.
I don't use Chemical fersiliser or sprays on my veg crops. My CHrysanths however I am quite happy to use sprays on them because this is the only way I can control some Diseases (White Rust - another import from the continent) and I feed them with Chempak Fertiliser because I want/need consitency.
I do use muck on my lottie but I have no idea if the animals that it came from are pumped full of steroids & antibiotics and I am quite at ease to resort to the use of Roundup if needed.
So as you can see I try to keep to organic principle where possible but I truly believe in pragmatism.
If it's a choice between starvation & GM crops what do you think you would do if you live in Africa?
I personally grow against my consience for instance.
I don't use Chemical fersiliser or sprays on my veg crops. My CHrysanths however I am quite happy to use sprays on them because this is the only way I can control some Diseases (White Rust - another import from the continent) and I feed them with Chempak Fertiliser because I want/need consitency.
I do use muck on my lottie but I have no idea if the animals that it came from are pumped full of steroids & antibiotics and I am quite at ease to resort to the use of Roundup if needed.
So as you can see I try to keep to organic principle where possible but I truly believe in pragmatism.
If it's a choice between starvation & GM crops what do you think you would do if you live in Africa?