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When do you get up?


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  • #46
    I so agree with the improved sleep/no alcohol


    • #47
      so why isn't it working for me??? (lol) i haven't drank alcohol for about 20 years, and i have been waking up at 3:00 for about 5 monthes now--it's driving me barmy!!!


      • #48
        Work from home but get up at 05.30, take the dog out for an hour at 06.00, get back, sort the chickens out, inject and feed the dog, feed me, start work, and Monday get up at 04.00 cos thats when OH gets up to catch the flight to Dublin, weekends get up at 07.00 as I need to inject the dog at 07.30. Usually go to bed any time after 22.30 as I need to give the dog his supper no earlier than that time. Early mornings walks are great, usually see or hear tawny owls, stoats, foxes, kingfishers and always see bats and walking along the River Wye at this time of year with the mists and the herons (and kingfishers again) is pure bliss.


        • #49
          I get up at 7.30. As to what I get up to - now that would be telling!
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • #50
            piskie - just pm'd you my address. Swing by and pick our little un up, return her when she starts sleeping better please, I feel this way we're doing each other a favour. You'll get up any time around 4-6am (probably numerous times during the night too), and I'll be able to sleep until 6am !

            Job done.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
              Ah, but putting your slap on makes you look like you've had 8 good hours
              Depends on your ability with makeup - only use the stuff about half a dozen times a year and am not at all convinced my attempts really add much more than a child would with a paint brush..............

              Originally posted by Pumpkin Becki View Post
              Oh blimey no, I can't leave the house without makeup...I'd cause accidents!! LOL
              See above, OK, slight exaggeration but you get my meaning

              Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
              Don't knock it till you've tried it: the thought of it is worse than the doing of it. The exercise & fresh air actually energises you much more than laying in bed does. Your mind is clear and it's a good time to think/meditate/get your thoughts in order.
              It improves your quality of sleep too, so when you do sleep you sleep better
              Most of the people I know who run have dodgy knees or hips and as I've already got an iffy knee from a car crash years ago I'll stick to something lower impact like cycling - and you get to go further too

              Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

              Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


              • #52
                I agree with Alison & Zaz - make-up (for me) is a complete waste of time that I could be doing something else with, like sleeping I have no-one to impress, and I couldn't care less if people think I should do it. It makes me laugh my socks off when I see the mums with make-up on like a mask, rushing their kids down the school path at 1 minute to 9 Leave the trowel in the drawer and get there on time... (Not that I'm implying any of you look like The Mask with your slap on...)

                I don't/won't/can't run, but I always feel like sludge without my morning walk with the dog. Even if the weather is appalling, I always get more done after I've walked than I would by just staying indoors. Blows the cobwebs away
                Last edited by SarzWix; 30-09-2010, 01:18 AM.


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