I need advise form parenty types please 
My eldest boy really really wants a DS for christmas. He really really wanted one for his birthday in July but we put him off as there was going to be a new version released in September. (OH informs me that this means the old ones will be a) worth peanuts and b) as he is an electronics enginner/designer he can't bear the thought of old technology - don't get me started on that one lol)
My dilemma is that the new one that was going to be released in September has now been put back til Feb/March.
Now I don't want to have to tell my son that he can't have it AGAIN as the release date been put back as he was very understanding about not getting it for his birthday, and has only got this one thing on his christmas list... But OH is quite insistant that he won't buy him an 'almost' out of date one.
Ho hum - I don't know which side to come down on! What to do!!! HELP!!!
Advice needed, and don't tell me he should be playing outside on his bike or be grateful for an orange and an old cardboard box cos I know all that already

My eldest boy really really wants a DS for christmas. He really really wanted one for his birthday in July but we put him off as there was going to be a new version released in September. (OH informs me that this means the old ones will be a) worth peanuts and b) as he is an electronics enginner/designer he can't bear the thought of old technology - don't get me started on that one lol)
My dilemma is that the new one that was going to be released in September has now been put back til Feb/March.
Now I don't want to have to tell my son that he can't have it AGAIN as the release date been put back as he was very understanding about not getting it for his birthday, and has only got this one thing on his christmas list... But OH is quite insistant that he won't buy him an 'almost' out of date one.
Ho hum - I don't know which side to come down on! What to do!!! HELP!!!
Advice needed, and don't tell me he should be playing outside on his bike or be grateful for an orange and an old cardboard box cos I know all that already
