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Time to ask for help...


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  • #61
    No way Shirl. It's all in your mind!! OK so I will set you a questionaire.

    When Max gets home do I feel

    a/ Sorry that I have not cleaned up enough

    b/ Pleased to see him but....

    c/ I am so pleased to see him but am sory I have not had time to do my

    d/ Really sexy. Have missed him so much


    • #62
      Originally posted by Brengirl View Post
      No way Shirl. It's all in your mind!! OK so I will set you a questionaire.

      When Max gets home do I feel

      a/ Sorry that I have not cleaned up enough

      b/ Pleased to see him but....

      c/ I am so pleased to see him but am sory I have not had time to do my

      d/ Really sexy. Have missed him so much

      e/ knackered after trying and failing
      Happy Gardening,


      • #63
        Oh dear. I feel I have touched a raw nerve. A big hug for trying so hard but please empty the vacuum cleaner bag over his head - just for me. xxx


        • #64
          No worries Brengirl. It is one of his foibles and I love him dearly. I sometimes suspect if the house was immaculate when he got home he would just grumble that something else wasn't 'just so' I think he gets doubly upset because I genuinely don't notice dust. I see clutter and it annoys the heck out of me but when you can't do much due to lack of storage then I don't see the point in getting stressed over it. Maybe I am just too laid back - I don't do stress and I don't do boredom (though I got a surprise last week and did find myself bored for about 5 mins)
          Happy Gardening,


          • #65
            Shirl you sound so like me, I would rather be in the garden / lottie than doing housework. If I get asked by someone to go somewhere or do something with them I'm gone, where as my sister has to do housework first, she wont go out till the beds are made the dishes are in the dishwasher etc etc, life is for living as you want to, not how someone else tells you.
            My ex used to get cross if the house was untidy, with four boys at school / nursery what did I do all day, sit on my backside of course, it took me 1 and a half hours each day to walk them to school, 9 am take them, pick up little one lunch time, back at 3.30pm, then there was the after school clubs, football, cubs etc etc.
            I always say as long as a house is clean the rest doesnt matter.
            Maybe you all need to sit together and work out who does what, My boys had to do chores as does my daughter. The eldest had to take the bins out, they all had to help wash up ( no dishwasher then ) they had to put the washing in the laundry bin, not in doesnt get washed, tough if it was on the floor.
            Sounds like they all take you for granted.
            Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
            and ends with backache


            • #66
              Eee there's none so queer as folk. Happy up's and downs xxxx


              • #67
                Originally posted by Marthaclematis View Post
                Walk into the doorway of a room (any room if they're all untidy) and look to the right. What do you see?
                ...I see the door (old house , doors open into the room not to the wall) which I promptly close again...........and toddle off to do something more worthwhile . OH wouldn't dare moan , where do you think the kids got it from .

                Actually we have hard floors throughout downstairs and I put the broom over them everyday cos of Jake., who is not allowed upstairs. Dusting gets done every so often when I cant blow the dust off anymore I tend to clean the bath, sink etc when I get out the shower and the kitchen gets worktops etc washed down when I wash up.
                S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                • #68
                  I don't think I could ever have children unless I hadan army of cleaners, I bloody hate mess. I also have a nasty dust allergy, and an allergy to a lot of the harsh cleaning products on sale these days. So cleaning is a big part of my life! Before all the allergies, when I was younger my bedroom looked like a landfill site, I wouldn't throw anything out and hoarded loads of crap under/around/on the bed, walls were covered in writing etc. At some point in my young life, I decided I didn't like all the stuff over the floor and stuck it in boxes and could see the floor, and now I'm trying to get rid even of the stuff in boxes haha.

                  You could say (and you probably would if you met me) that I'm a bit anal and definatley bordering on OCD when it comes to cleaning, for example everything in my kitchen cupboard of food, the labels must face forwards on the tins (but not fussed about other stuff for some reason??!?!) and I get really pissy when someone uses something and puts it on the wrong shelf. To the point where I always check the cupboard when I'm in the kitchen and am always moving stuff about

                  Norwich seems to be quite clean, and the dust isn't dirty like it is in London (ie I can leave dusting for about a week until my asthma kicks off) whereas in London I couldn't leave it a day without feeling like crap I feel like I need to move into the countryside where ther are no roads near me, and have a nice massive house with loads of room to put things rather than trying to cram everyting into a small space.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                    Snowdrop is now very well trained, he would no more think of leaving shoes in the hall ...
                    Please may I send Mr TS to you for Basic Training? He puts everything NEXT TO where it belongs

                    Originally posted by shirlthegirl43 View Post
                    Madmax ... claims to be unable to relax unless the area surrounding him is tidy.
                    I'm the same: he's a Virgo isn't he?

                    Although I bitterly resent having to wash dirty pants, iron crumply shirts, wipe dirty loo seats: I can't "get on" with something until it's done.

                    Currently the kitchen is mid-repainting, but I can't start painting until the rest of the house is midway tidy
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                      Please may I send Mr TS to you for Basic Training? He puts everything NEXT TO where it belongs
                      ......that sounds soooo familiar. Dishes on the worktop next to the dishwasher, cd's next to the rack, loo roll balanced on top of the holder ( ready to fall in toilet ) Clothes next to the wardrobe .........and the list goes on .
                      S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                      a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                      You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by binley100 View Post
                        ......that sounds soooo familiar. Dishes on the worktop next to the dishwasher, cd's next to the rack, loo roll balanced on top of the holder ( ready to fall in toilet ) Clothes next to the wardrobe .........and the list goes on .
                        ditto - didn't realise it was women's work to change the bog roll
                        Happy Gardening,


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by binley100 View Post
                          Dishes on the worktop next to the dishwasher, cd's next to the rack, loo roll balanced on top of the holder ( ready to fall in toilet ) Clothes next to the wardrobe .........and the list goes on .
                          Why do they do that? Is it to show that they've moved a thing from one place to another?

                          I know when my "monthlies" are due ... Mr TS is so scared that things start getting put away where they belong
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • #73
                            Me and himself have been together for 38 years. It is only this year and obviously after 38 years of nagging, that I was surprised to notice he now puts the loo seat down. He is at home all day, but I have to tell him when he needs to hoover - he doesn't seem to notice!
                            I make sure the corners are clean and the middle takes care of itself. Tidy? Lush.
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • #74
                              One of my flatmates likes to make little cardboard structures on the radiator next to the bog when he finishes with the loo roll...instead of putting it in the bin


                              • #75
                                A sore subject for me right now...
                                I find that I'm getting on by doing little things as I go, then the jobs of hoovering/dusting etc don't take too long. I have a family that do absolutely knack all to help me..until I start shouting, banging and throwing stuff about in temper - then there is a mass scurrying to get stuff done and calm me down!! I have been known to pointedly leave a black bag hanging on every door with the warning that anything that isn't where I believe it belongs is going to be binned. As the person that does 99.9% of the work, I decide where everything lives independent thought along those lines isn't encouraged.

                                I tidy the living room as I'm putting out lights etc before bed, cups down to kitchen, ashtray emptied, couch covers straightened etc, tidy kitchen/load dishwasher after dinner so I don't get up to mess. Kitchen table is hotspot, and if I have cleared it I will go mental at whoever puts something on it!! Bathroom gets tidied while bath is running/brushing teeth etc in the morning.
                                People get called as ironing done and given their loads to carry upstairs. Hoover roughly twice a week, and dust/polish once a week. Empty bins as they get full. Have major clear outs a couple of times a year or if a room gets decorated - no crap is allowed back in!
                                Kirsty b xx


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