Glad she's ok Pisk.
No announcement yet.
Cass :(
How is she doing this morning Piskie?
Any tips for getting kitty in to carrier basket
How is she doing, on the mend I hope
She is bored beyond belief - I have never known a cat so intelligent as Cass. When she wants me to get up she nibbles at my elbow or my finger, she pushes the quilt off me with her head - she does cute, she does angry, she does bored teenager
She didn't want to use the litter tray last night, she was getting stressed cos she clearly needed a wee - I stood back and waited for the fallout, so to speak! The little darling went into my office whereupon there is a pile of statements that are awaiting shredding, she shredded them and peed on them
I then put the tray where the shredded statements were (I washed my hands first!) and she got in and did the rest of the necessary stuff.
She is back to the vets tonight to see what's what.
Originally posted by pipkins View PostAny tips for getting kitty in to carrier basket
2) Throw towel over kitty
3) Throw kitty into basket that you had made ready earlier
4) Close basket very quickly with kitty still in towel
5) Obtain finger plasters or tetanus as required
6) Take kitty to Vet
7) Open basket, find kitty hiding in towel
8) Drag kitty out of basket that previously was so repulsive to kitty
9) On arrival at home, open basket, leave kitty to it
10) Pour large vodkaaka
Ticked off all your checklist
All of the above except large Voddy(nice cup of tea)
Chilli all good, back in six weeks for blood test.
Glad Cass is feeling better Piskie, thanks for the tips about getting her into a cat carrier too, I think I might need them one day soon, I was planning on throwing a ball into one & hoping she dives in after it & slamming the door shut! Our little madam was so comfy on my knee last night that she actually weed on it! I think she's starting to get a bit incontinent as she's getting old at 15, or maybe she's just getting lazy! She's never been housetrained by her previous owners & as she goes out when she needs to & doesn't sleep indoors at night I haven't bothered to try but I think I may need to if she gets poorly.Into every life a little rain must fall.
Fantastic news and a lovely happy ending to poor Cass's day at the vets Piskie. Cats are ever so funny when something's attatched to them that's strange, I remember Jinny and his Bucket and all the bumping into stuff as he tried to jump up on things
I'd have added welding gloves to your list of things needed when putting ya cat in a basket. Jinny always makes me out to be a fibber when I take him to the vets. I tell the vet to watch his/her hands because he's nasty, then when he emerges from his carry basket looking all sweetness and light...he's as good as gold...little sod.
Great to hear Chillies on the mend as well pipkins
This should make you laugh,I've copied it from another forum
45 mph in a GT-Four......
....with a cat that doesn't want to be there.....
Yearly booster time for the furry killing machine that I call a cat.
So. Find the cat.
Find the catbox.
Find the cat again.
Introduce cat to catbox.
Cat goes in the cat box quietly (this should have been a warning to me)
Open door and place catbox in passenger footwell.
Shut door.
Run around to drivers side, jump in and start engine.
Cat mieows.
Select reverse.
Cat explodes from catbox like that thing from Alien.
Cat runs around car shedding fur.
Open door.
Cat escapes.
Go into house and find parcel tape.
Tape box up securely.
Find the cat again.
Catch cat.
Introduce cat to catbox.
Cat goes in the cat box with a hell of a struggle.
Tape up wounds in hands.
Open door and place catbox in passenger footwell.
Shut door.
Run around to drivers side, jump in (engine is still running).
Select reverse and get the car off the drive.
Cat rips through parcel tape like the hulk, scaring the crap out off me.
Car runs around the car in a panic drooling and shedding fur.
Open door.
Cat escapes. Again.
Go into house and find elephant tape. (I've used this stuff to stop kayaks leaking on white water)
Tape box up securely. Then use more tape.
Then think "sod it" and use the whole roll.
Find cat again.
Tempt cat using favorite treats.
Pretty much have to saw the cats legs off in an attempt to get him into the accursed box.
Take off gardening gloves (learning from my mistakes)
Open door and place catbox in passenger footwell.
Shut door.
Run around to drivers side, jump in (engine has now burnt half a tank of fuel).
Get the car turned around.
Cat still in box, meiowing pathetically.
Comfort cat while driving.
Get halfway to vet.
Pointy eared escape artist does it again. This time at 40mph.
Cat runs around the car in a blind panic drooling and shedding fur.
Avoid crashing the car by about 3mm. This is not good.
Options. Stop, open door to get out and lose cat.
Or, keep driving and risk cat scratching eyes out.
Elect to take the eye scratching option. Glasses should prevent serious injury.
Cat runs around car shedding unbelieveable amounts of fur.
People giving me really funny looks.
Furry Fangio ends up sitting on my lap with two paws on the steering wheel looking out of the front window.
I'd have taken pictures, but I was rather busy at the time.
People now giving me *really* funny looks.
5 minutes pass.
Get to the vet.
Park the car.
Somehow get the car back into the box.
Get into vets rather harassed.
Nice vet takes 2 minutes to check and inject the cat.
She then spends 5 minutes helping me reinforce the cat box to get home again.
Takes 2 of us to get the cat back in the box.
Get the bill.
Stop laughing and ask for the real bill.
Get the same bill.
Pick myself up from the floor.
Pay a ton of cash for the privilage of the cat being injected.
Return to car.
Open door and place catbox in passenger footwell.
Shut door.
Run around to drivers side, jump in and start engine.
Cat is silent.
Think uh-oh.
Leave vet.
Cat is silent.
Get halfway home.
Cat is silent.
Worry that cat is dead.
Get home safely.
Cat is silent.
Now really worried. Has cat escaped silently? Is cat plotting revenge?
Get catbox out of car.
Open cat box.
Cat saunters out, give me a "What?" look and wanders off.
I stand there like a gibbering idiot.
Cat lies in sun.
Open beer.
Open second beer.
Get vacuum cleaner out.
Open third beer.
Clean cat hair out of car......
He's now next to me on the sofa with his feat in the air snoring contentedly.
As much as I love him, sometimes I wish he was a goldfish.
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