Just had a thought - there seems to be three of us, Aunties Flum, Flo and Mo!
No announcement yet.
It's me back again!!!
Ooooooooooooooo it's lovely to have so many good wishes
Now then, I've got some more news! Samantha (my granddaughter) has been really poorly this last couple of weeks during her pregnancy. She's had unstable blood pressure, swelling feet, legs, hands, arms etc, and started with kidney failure a few days ago. Doctors said yesterday that she might be allowed home for a couple of hours over the weekend, but no way would they discharge her. Anyway, her condition deteriorated during last night and this morning so she was transferred to the HDU to try and stabilize her. Upshot of all this is that she's had an emergency Caesarian section and Devon Martin Harris was born at 1.50pm weighing in at 4lbs 3oz (which isn't too bad for a 34 weekerI think). I haven't seen him yet as he's in SCBU and Sammy's in HDU, but everything is looking hopeful. Will keep you all updated, and hopefully I might even post a photo
My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there
Congratulations to all.
Welcome to Devon, all the best for him and his mum, Samantha - and of course the whole family.
Good wishes to all - Keep us posted, please, Maureen.Last edited by maytreefrannie; 16-10-2010, 10:49 PM.My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)
Congratulations Maureen - and welcome Devon. It's better for him and his mum that he's arrived in the world, by the sound if things.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
Congtarulations Granny Mo, so good to have you back in the fold so to speak. It's also good to hear you're getting the help you need as well.
Sounds like your all going to have your hands full with little Devon. Hope your Grand Daughter soon recovers and all are back home safe and sound...
...you do realise we want pickys of little Devon to fuss over please.
Quick updateSamantha is still in hospital though she could be discharged soon (when her kidneys start working properly and her blood pressure comes down). Devon is now out of his incubator though I haven't seen him yet (parents and grandparents only
) Sam has had a cuddle of him, fed him (through his tube), changed his nappy and dressed him in a tiny babygro. I've got some pictures of him on my phone that his Nana sent me via bluetooth but it seems to have done something to the phone and I can't download them onto the pc
Anyway, as soon as I can, I'll post a pic
My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there
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