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The 'I Hate Shopping' thread


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  • The 'I Hate Shopping' thread

    Does anyone else out there hate shopping? It stresses me out. I hate spending money in general, especailyl on clothes and crap like that. I don't like busy high streets, and stuffy shops. I'm trying to get some nice warm shoes/boots for winter but they are all crap

    Its not like a woman to hate shopping but I'm definatley one of those women, anyone else out there hate it?

  • #2
    Yes, it is stated on my Faceache page that I don't do handbags, shopping and I DO do socks.


    • #3
      I loathe and abhor shopping in "real" shops from the very bottom of my stomach! It's not the spending money, it's the traipsing round busy shops I hate.

      I quite like garden centres, although I only go when they're quiet

      I reckon I do about 80% of my shopping online these days - so I don't know if that means I truly hate shopping or not? I'm quite happy to surf Amazon for hours but I've only got a tolerance period of about half an hour when I'm on the high street on a Saturday afternoon. Ugh.
      Diagonally parked in a parallel universe! - "Human beans"


      • #4
        Absolutely... I hate it. I survive on last years (or several yearsago's) clothes unless people buy me clothes. I hate it. Never find what I want get peed off with people parading around the shops as if they are on fashion show!

        People that 'tut' at the pushchair as it is an inconveience to THEM!!! GET OUT OF MY EFFIN WAY!!!!!!!!!!

        Give me comfortable and warm clothes (well in winter)!

        The only time I can bare it is when I have got money (which is never) and I can spend it on the kids...... last thing on a Sunday when no-one else is in the shops!
        Little ol' me

        Has just bagged a Lottie!
        Oh and the chickens are taking over my garden!
        FIL and MIL -


        • #5
          I like garden centres too - I find them peaceful and interesting. I love wandering around them, but as I don;t have a garden myself I find wondering in other's gardens a good way to spend some time haha!

          I don't really shop online, except for books and music. I've never bought clothes off the internet! Its getting to that time of year where all my really old clothes are a year older and theres not much more I can do for them on the sewing machine and I really need to buy some new clothes now I have money...but I can't think of anything worse to do. It stresses me out, nothing fits, its too expensive, or its uncomfortable...gah. I;d rather save up and go on a proper sewing course so I could make my own clothes - much better


          • #6
            Add me to the list - I hate shopping too! Luckily Mr. G. loves it - result!

            I don't mind it, if I'm somewhere different, ie when we're away caravanning, then I look at it as an adventure (sad c*w) but as for having to 'do' a weekly/monthly shop, forget it.

            Good quality clothes last for years, and the odd fashion item can be added cheaply, if you're that way inclined. I often buy expensive items, second-hand, on eBay. They save a fortune and still last for years, unlike regular high street 'fashion' items that often wear out in a season. I am a fan of internet shopping, but mainly because I'm lazy.
            All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
            Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


            • #7
              I get almost agraphobic in busy shops and I don't do queues. If I have to queue for more than about 5 minutes I'm likely to put the items down and walk out. (Yes, I know that's a pain for staff, I've worked in retail but it's up to the stores to get their act together and employ enough staff).

              If you do stick with it you get to within 2 people of getting served then the person at the front has some problem that needs the undivided attention of at least 3 staff, completely oblivious to the building queue.......aaargh.

              If I have to go into town shopping I get in early (about 8.45) and out again as quick as possible, specially near Christmas. I also try to avoid queues by using tills in less busy departments like furniture, even if I'm buying clothes and the men's department is usually (but not always) less busy than womens or kids.


              • #8
                I think my main gripe is that most of the stuff in the shops is ****** horrible! I don't want to dress like a prostitute/80s hangover/celebrity, I want to be warm, and comfortable. Surely not too much to ask?!?!? Also, I have no idea what size I am, seeing as I have stuff from shops ranging from size 10-16 for leggings/trousers, and size 8-14 for tops If it was universal measurements, then most people would find it much easier to shop.
                Last edited by zazen999; 19-10-2010, 01:53 PM. Reason: language timothy


                • #9
                  I tend to get most of my clothes from Sains, they have a decent selection which changes often, and I can get stuff in my size. I hate and despise shopping in Town, too many people, and I can never find anything I like. When I had to get an outfit for my stepdaughter's wedding, hubby and I traipsed around for HOURS, and ended up at the first shop we'd tried.

                  Books and cd's etc, Amazon. Other stuff, I check online first before attempting a real life shop.

                  "If you can see what the plate is made of, the portions are too small." Mrs G.Ogg


                  • #10
                    gah. I've been sat in front of the computer all morning trying to put off the inevitable shopping I have to do, and I also don't want to venture out into the cold


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by buzzingtalk View Post
                      I don't want to dress like a prostitute/80s hangover/celebrity,
                      I hear you there [sister]


                      • #12
                        I hate any form of shopping!
                        I dont buy new things (its one of my new years pledges.) for myself and 90% of my daughter's clothes are recyled. (obviously apart from things like underwear, toiltries etc) So I do frequent charity shops, the fabric shop and ebay.

                        I dont particularly like food shopping either, esp supermarkets, although I dont mind the farm shop/baker/butcher.

                        I honestly cant remember the last time I went into the city centre...!!

                        With Christmas coming that could be a problem - but I do use Amazon & The Book People which covers pretty much most things these days


                        • #13
                          I don't mind a charity shop but I really can't be bothered with the rest of them. Fortunately I'm generally in jeans and jumpers which charity shops seem to do quite well!


                          • #14
                            I love grocery shopping.

                            It's a challenge to buy the same goods more cheaply ( taking into account time and transport costs of getting there)... and planning when to buy cheapest without any reduction in quality..

                            Sugar? 59p/kilo Farmfoods.

                            Offers on Washing powder.

                            etc etc..

                            Most importantly, the madasafish campaign to buy gin as cheaply as possible. (minimum 40% proof and lots of flavour only, no cheap rubbish thank you)..

                            keep me from going senile..

                            drool, cackle, cough, splutter, ....


                            • #15
                              You're on the wrong thread then Madasafish.....


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