And what brand do you use?
This is a spin-off from the Breakfast thread, where I wrote:
To expand: I'm a stickler for doing it the proper way when it comes to tea - loose-leaf, not bags, and emphatically not made in the mug; warm the pot and pour the water on while it's boiling; use one rounded teaspoonful per half-pint mug (i.e. four in a standard two-pint pot, filled to the brim); let it brew, under a tea-cosy, for a full, timed five minutes; then drink with milk and sugar to taste (I have one level teaspoonful: I've tried giving up sugasr in tea many times, but I can't keep it up).
This is a spin-off from the Breakfast thread, where I wrote:
'Yorkshire' Tea by Taylor's of Harrogate, the loose-leaf version, made in a two-pint pot using four rounded teaspoonfuls, which is pretty darn strong, because 'Yorkshire' is a strong blend in the first place, and brewed for a full five minutes by the timer.