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  • I just like to think that most peole would have the sense to move if they were to be better off, without the gov. telling them they have to..but as TwoSheds says- it is not just about money, it is about family ties too, and every aspect would need to be considered before uprooting your family, or, God forbid, just leaving them behind?? Wasn't family ties something Mr. Cameron was commited to ensuring us all to strenghten???


    • Originally posted by lindyloo View Post
      re OverWryeGrower- I do think standards have dropped, so I don't disagree with you- I like to present the other side, though. I feel I must apologise for my lack of capitals, crappy spelling and bad punctuation- it is because I am always posting in a hurry---en route to doing something else, and too lazy to go through and correct it all before hitting the post reply button. Also, I have this weird thing in my mind , that posting a message is like sending a telegram. Weird I know!
      Oh, I don't mind on forums and the like - you're not advertising yourself on here


      • There will be loads of houses available soon as they all get repossessed from people who can't afford their mortgages any more!

        In the US there are thousands of empty homes where people have just walked away because they can't afford them, yet people are still living in poverty and homeless because there is no welfare state!

        In Ireland there are whole housing estates empty because no-one has any money to buy them!

        To buy a house you have to have money, to get money you have to have a job... to get a mortgage you have to have a job and also loads of money for your deposit!


        • Originally posted by Madasafish View Post
          As far as local jobs.. well I've always believed in going where the work is . If it meant moving home I did..
          I see your point, however...

          If Mr OWG wanted a better job in his current role, his best route would be to move further south. Fair enough.

          However, I would also need to move with him, and find myself a job earning the same amount as I do up norf. To earn the kind of money I'm on (which isn't millions!) means I'd probably have to find a similar job in the HE sector. Secretarial/clerical jobs like mine aren't specialised, so I'd be taking a job from a local person.

          I'd need to work so we could afford to pay a mortgage and the bills.

          As TS says, if you're a single person, who might be renting, it's easy to move where the money is. When you've both got jobs, family, mortgage etc, it's not that simple at all.


          • Does anyone know WHERE we should all be moving to so we can get these jobs... or is it a secret


            • China?...... seems to be where a lot of our manufacturing jobs have gone............
              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


              • Surely if we were to all upsticks and move to where the jobs are it wouldn't be doing much to sort the economy of the areas that we're all moving away from?
                the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                • I remember Linwood where a complete new industry (car making) was " encouraged" to move there in the 1960s.. twenty years later and it was no more.

                  Jobs move to where it makes business sense and where they are welcomed - one of the reasons Dyson moved manufacturing out of the UK was he was NOT welcomed...

                  The last 20 years has seen both major parties encourage Banking - basically ignoring anything else... And UK education produces few engineers . If you want a manufacturing industry, you need an education system which trains engineers. Instead we train people for jobs like arts critics etc.

                  And of course, all the Government stimulus to help the economy since 2008 - is aimed at - guess - the banks...
                  Last edited by Madasafish; 26-10-2010, 07:43 PM.


                  • Originally posted by andi&di View Post
                    Surely if we were to all upsticks and move to where the jobs are it wouldn't be doing much to sort the economy of the areas that we're all moving away from?
                    And the south east of England would sink!
                    The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                    Brian Clough


                    • The South East of England is only economic for companies because the entire housing market is artificially supported by Housing Benefit. If there was no HB, either no-one would be able to afford to do low paid jobs or alternatively, wages for low paid jobs would have to double.

                      Instead we have had massive immigration - mainly of people taking low paid jobs and the majority of whom have their housing costs paid for them by taxpayers so exacerbating the housing shortage.

                      And of course, social mobility stops when people cannot afford to move to jobs...
                      Last edited by Madasafish; 26-10-2010, 07:48 PM.


                      • Coventry was always one of the great manufacturing areas , right from the ribbon weaving industry and now look at it all we manufacture here these days are students..........The city centre is being engulfed by the uni and more and more buildings for student accommodation. They can study car engineering design etc here but they can't flamin' well practise it ..........
                        S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                        a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                        You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                        • Originally posted by bubblewrap View Post
                          And the south east of England would sink!
                          Then may I suggest you all stay where you bloomin' well are then!?
                          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                          • Originally posted by andi&di View Post
                            Then may I suggest you all stay where you bloomin' well are then!?
                            Had 4 years in London 1967 - 1971.
                            They ort to put barriers and red lights round it with notices DANGER hole in the world keep out.
                            The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                            Brian Clough


                            • Originally posted by Madasafish View Post
                              The South East of England is only economic for companies because the entire housing market is artificially supported by Housing Benefit.
                              Housing Benefit payments are high because (private) rents are high (because there isn't enough housing stock available at rates that the low-waged can afford).
                              Or ...are you really suggesting that the unemployed are directly supporting S.E. businesses?
                              In which case, you should be saying "bring it on"
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                              • Originally posted by Madasafish View Post
                                UK education produces few engineers . If you want a manufacturing industry...
                                ... you need to get British people buying British goods, not Chinese goods
                                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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